Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


Jenny said...

Hi there, I am your friend on Twitter (MommyJennyBlog), and I have 4 kids, but 3 of them are boys, so I know your life :). AND THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING SIGN EVER!!!! Where did you get this? Love.Love.Love.Love!!!!

Anyhow, just wait until your 3 boys start playing organized sports.... yikes :).

Love your blog! You are a great Mama!!!!

Robin Harper said...

I saw this the other night and thought it was so cute!!

Jane (Gaga) said...

That's so true in your case!! It reminds me of the show "Dennis the Menace". In one episode, he asked his mother as she was tucking him in..."Why do you always say "Thank Goodness" instead of "Goodnight"...haha!

Jenny said...

Love this!!!!!