Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Roll Tide In July

This weekend we were invited to an Alabama Alumni BBQ through Jordan's work.  The hosts' have such a lovely home that is just beautiful.  It's the perfect size for hosting a large get-together.  We've been here before for ballgames and John Michael rolled over for the first time at their house during a ball game in Fall of 2008!

Our children were the only kids there and they did pretty well!  They were dressed in their Alabama gear and ready to eat and play!  We ate Bar-B-Q and hot dogs and met different people from The University of Alabama.  Some of us knew some of the same people, as we had grown up in towns that were right next to each other!


Matthew was way too interested to eat because he was obsessed with watching their cat!  John Michael liked him too and he kept poking at the cat and trying to pet him.  JM kept saying "mrow!"  He followed that poor cat around for most of the night!

John Michael wanted to go in the pool, but he settled for playing with their water fountains instead!

He had a really good time playing with the water and it kept him occupied for part of the evening!

A lot of people wanted to play with and hold Matthew!  He made several new friends with his smiling, happy face!

I finally received my Mabel's Labels in the mail!  I need to get around to labeling JM's things since he's going to be going to Mother's Day Out this fall!  So far, I love them!

And Friday, I was extra brave and took the boys shoe shopping!  John Michael outgrew his summer sandals that we bought like 2 1/2 months ago, so we had to go get some more!  JM does not do well with getting his feet sized, so it was an adventure.  All was well when we left and got juice and crackers!  And yes, JM gave Matthew his cup!

That's about all we did this weekend.  We hired a babysitter for only the 2nd time ever and Jordan and I had a night out Friday night.  We put the boys to bed and then went out for some dessert and coffee and then to Barnes and Noble.  It is just so hard to find time to get some quality time in with each other, especially when your family lives out of town!  We had a great time and it was so nice to reconnect and talk with each other!


Jane (Grams, GaGa) said...

Sounds like y'all had a fun week!!! I can just picture JM following the cat around while meowing at him...HA. They both look so cute in their Alabama outfits. I know they were the hit of the party!

Amy said...

Yah for getting a sitter! You deserve it!

Julie said...

Sounds like a great date. And cute outfits on the boys--what a fun party to go to!