Sunday, July 12, 2009

O-o-o-h, We're Halfway There!

We are officially halfway through this thing called pregnancy!  I am 20 weeks today!  It's such an exciting landmark to hit and I can't believe how fast it's flown by this time.  I am so much better than last time.  I was only sick for around 7 weeks and I have not had too much of the cold/sinus/lung issues that plagued me with my first pregnancy.  We don't even have that many pictures of me from JM's pregnancy because I was so sick.

My hips haven't ached quite as much and I just feel good.  The tiredness was really bad in the very beginning, then got much better, and then it has seemed to hit me very hard the last two days or so.  I think I'm just tuckered out from not napping and being more busy while we're home visiting.  Luckily, we are around wonderful grandparents, so I have help with John Michael and I can go nap!  I'm not used to such luxury!'s a few fun facts about this point in my pregnancy, just in case you were dying to know!

-From this point the baby can be measured from head to toe instead of crown to rump!

-The baby is the size of a banana!

-The baby is swallowing fluid!

-The baby weighs about 10.5 oz now!

-Oh yeah, and a fun medical fact is that the uterus is officially considered an "abdominal organ".

Our ultrasound appointment is one week away and we are still up in the air about finding out the sex.  I think there are too few true surprises in life, so that's why we may not find out the sex.  Plus, I definitely need some good motivation in the delivery room. We still have a week to think about it.  I'm so excited, plus nervous that everything checks out OK.

My 20 week side view in my super sweet new maternity wear!

We are off to Tuscaloosa in the morning for a much-too-short visit with my grandparents.  I know we'll have a fun time but I won't have internet.  So sad!  Also, JM will be sleeping in a pack-n-play so I'm really nervous about that.  I'm hoping he won't notice that it's tiny and on the floor!  Have a happy week!


Kelly said...

Your dress is SO cute and I think you look tiny - barely showing - you lucky girl! I'm glad this time is easier! (Hopefully that means the baby will be easy too! I need you to encourage me on having a 2nd one!) I think it would be fun to not find out but I know it's not humanly possible for me.
We sat by Jordan in church today - he sounded like he really missed ya'll!

Jane (Gran/Grams) said...

Once again a beautiful mother-to-be! JM so cute in his new little outfit too! I'm sure this second half will fly by too. It seems only yesterday that John Michael was born. Actually, it seems no time at all since Jordan was born. Take time to enjoy it all.

Julie said...

CUTE dress! Glad you're halfway through--I'm counting down to that landmark! Although, I'm also trying to savor every single second of being pregnant--it's a good feeling!!

Erin said...

You look so amazing! Didn't realize you were 20 weeks already. Glad you are having fun in AL

Jordan Wigley said...

You look great baby! And Kelly is right, I do miss y'all... but I will see you in just a day or so. I hope you both get some rest tonight and tomorrow, so that the car ride won't be too bad on Friday. See you both soon! Love you!