Monday, July 20, 2009

An "Ultra" Special Kind of Day!

I am 21 weeks along today and we had our big 20 week ultrasound this morning!  Jordan and I got there bright and early and spent 45 minutes watching our little peanut.  We turned our heads at the right times so as to not see whether it's a boy or a girl.  We were so strong!!!  I still can't believe we're going to do it this way, but we're so excited to know we have a little surprise coming our way!

The sweet ultrasound tech (and God) is the only one who knows the sex.  She said she checked out everything and she does know the sex!  Our doctor doesn't even know! 

The ultrasound took an extra long time because our little peanut has his (or her) face towards my spine, so we tried and tried to get him to move so she could get a better view of the mouth and nose.  I am in love with these little feetsies!  What a precious miracle from God!

Either way, all we care about is a healthy baby that is growing and developing normally.  We are so thankful tonight as we sit and look at these pictures and share them with our family.  We know how often people don't get the chance to get to a 20 week ultrasound or don't get a good report from an ultrasound.  We are so thankful for our one pound little peanut who's growing bigger and bigger everyday.  God is good and so faithful!

Getting ready to go in, and wow I'm starting to show!

So excited!



kimberly said...

Mary Avery...I am so thrilled you are opting for the big "SURPRISE" on delivery day! That is how we did it with all 3 of ours...and I wouldn't trade those moments for anything....ANYTHING. It was so much fun, the anticipation of the doctor pulling them out and making the big announcement.....

I'm proud of you for being so strong in not knowing. It's hard but we can all get the monogramming done AFTER the arrival! :)

What's Mrs. Dana think of this???

Dana/Meme said...

Kimberly, I am super happy and thankful "IT" is healthy and growing normally, BUT I CANNOT STAND NOT KNOWING!!
I want to be smocking a little Bishop dress if it is a girl, because it will take me a long time. I have not smocked in years!!! I cannot believe you did this with all 3! Brave.

You look great Mary Avery, and I know how happy you both are - we all are too!! The little "no-name peanut" is really precious, especially the little foot! Wish I could tell more about the face.
Will "IT" favor JM or be completely different? It will be exciting to meet "IT" in November.

laurie said...

I loved seeing the pictures!

Jane (Gran/Grams) said...

I also would have liked to know if it was a girl or a boy, but just knowing that the baby is healthy is such a blessing and enough for now. The baby looked so comfy cozy all snuggled up inside and that foot looked so sweet. I can't wait to meet him/her and fall in love all over again!

Robin Harper said...

Wow, you are starting to show! You look beautiful! I can't believe you're not finding out but I admire you for it, I don't think I could! What a fun surprise! So glad he/she is healthy.

Joan said...

I just want you to find out because I WANT TO KNOW!!! Can your lab tech just call me???

Dana/Meme said...

I agree with Joan - we wouldn't tell anyone, would we Joan?