Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Say What?

This is John Michael's new schedule and I don't like it one bit:

1) Go to sleep at around 9-something pm

2) Sleep until 9:00 am

3) Not go down for a nap until 11-something then sleep for 2 hours, bypassing lunch (we used to eat lunch around 12:15)

4) Get so sleepy around 5:00 pm and take such a long nap that we have to wake him up at around 6:15 pm to eat dinner

All of this = It is 9:45 pm and he is STILL not asleep.  I got so tired of nursing him that I just went ahead and put him in his crib to hang out until he fell asleep.

I'm not sure why he's so off like this.  He used to wake up around 8, so our whole day is like an hour and a half off.  No way is he taking a 5pm nap tomorrow.  It's just not gonna happen.

In other news, did you check out Kelly's most recent post about baby Harper?  I about passed out when I checked it and I saw her holding her  with only a nasal canula for oxygen!!!!  I was so excited to see that.  She has made such huge progress.  She is such a blessing.  God has been been all over this story of this little girl.  I'm still waiting for those "See ya later NICU, I'm headed home to my fabulous pink and brown nursery" pictures!

I checked out BooMama's blog the other day and came upon this link for a blog that I just had to check out.  I could have looked around this blog for hours.  It was fascinating.  I'm not sure why it was so neat, but once I started clicking around I could hardly pull myself away from it.  It's called Conversion Diary: Musings of a former atheist.  I just found it so interesting how this lady and her husband used to be, pro-choice, high-rise-living total yuppies and now....well, perhaps you should go check it out for yourself.  Neat stuff.

One last thing, Yes, I do have John Michael snow pictures and I will post them later.  Seeing as how my child just went to sleep at 9:45 I'm not so in the mood to upload pictures.  I will leave you with these precious pictures of him riding his little rock and ride pony that Daddy picked up at the lovely Wal-Mart Associate store.  He balanced on it just long enough for us to get these pictures!
What you talkin' bout?
What you talkin' bout?


Verse O' The Day:

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9


Jane (Gran/Grams) said...

Well at least he IS sleeping!!! haha I can remember that not long ago you could set a clock by his 30 minute nap. I would suggest waking him by 8:00 or 8:30 to get back on schedule. He looks so cute on that little horse (and such a big boy). We just want to eat him up!!!
Hugs and Kisses to all of you
Gran and Gamps

Jane (Gran/Grams) said...

And...I was so excited to see Kelly holding Harper!!! We give all praise to God for the wonders He was worked over the last few weeks with Harper, Brayden, their families, and the readers of their blogs.

Erin said...

Glad to know that we aren't the only ones having scheduling problems. If it gets worse I may have to call for advice. JM is so precious!! Love those cheeks!

Julie said...

You are welcome ANYTIME!! You should have called and at least have come over to warm up! I can't believe ya'll lost power--I had no idea it came so close to us! I'm really glad it came back on.