Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I'm Too Old

We had a very small get together of middle/high school friends over Christmas break.  We are all in different places location-wise and life-wise.  One of us lives in Scotland now in vet school, one in North Carolina in seminary, one in Alabama, and me in Arkansas.  I'm the first one with a baby! 

After Katherine and Cathy met JM for the first time, we all went to Gadsden's finest Mexican eatery, Villa Fiesta!  It was our favorite high school eatin' place.  I ended up leaving JM at the house asleep.  There were plenty of people here to watch the monitor in case he woke up, luckily he didn't!  In any case, I learned that I am WAY too old to stay out late.  After we ate we headed back to Joan's house and we talked and talked and talked and talked some more. Sure we probably gossipped and told tall tales on each other, but it was too much fun.  Who knows when Katherine will be back from Scotland again.  I realized that I am too old to stay out late talking.  I won't say how late I stayed out, but it was way too late for a mommy to stay out.  Unfortunately, I felt like complete crap the next day.  I'm old.  I won't be staying out late probably anymore ever again.  Period.

Funny Joan
Funny Joan

Joan, Cathy, Me, Katherine
Joan, Cathy, Me, Katherine

Verse O' the Day:

If you turn at my reproof, behold, I will pour out my spirit to you; I will make my words known to you.

Proverbs 1:23


Kelly said...

It's fun to catch up with old friends!
You think you're old - wait until you are 35 - 10:00 is too late for me these days!!!

Dana/"Meme" said...

Keep up those occassional, late-night girly sessions with your oldest friends. It is sleep- loss that you will not regret one day - maybe the next day, but you will be sooooo glad you kept those ties!

Lindsey said...

I am so so sad that I was out of town! Are you still in AL?

Joan said...

That was so much fun! I was so glad you stayed out late with us; I didn't want anyone to leave!