Sunday, May 2, 2010

Five Alive!

In the aftermath of the evil stomach bug of 2010, I forgot to blog about Matthew's 5 month check-up!  By the way, I think the pediatrician's office is where we picked up the bug.  Eww!

Our little cutie pie turned 5 months old last week!  I think it's crazy how our lives are moving ahead at lightning speed.  I want to cherish each and every day and try and store it in my memory forever!

Matthew weighed in at 20 pounds 1 ounce.  He measured 27 inches long.  That puts him in the 98th and 97th percentiles.  His head circumference was around the 75th percentile.

John Michael always thinks the exam tables are trucks and he loves them!  He did pretty good and he and Jordan read books while we waited on the doctor.

Matthew was a happy, smiley camper (as usual).  He ended up not getting his shots that day because he was still coughing a lot and I don't like to give immunizations when the kids are sick.

Matthew still continues to amaze me everyday with his happiness and smiling face.  He wakes up with a smile on his face every morning.  He is such a joy!  I continually feel blessed everyday that God saw fit to let us have two precious boys to raise! 

Here's what Matthew is up to lately:

-We have started rice cereal in the evenings.  He has been attacking our plates/forks/cups/spoons for awhile now so we know it's time to start food soon.  He sits in his high chair and sips on his feeder while we eat.  I plan on starting him on apples next week.  It's time to break out the old baby food blender again!

-He threw his first fit this week when he couldn't get a toy.  It was actually pretty funny!  He's starting to realize when toys go away or if JM takes them away!

-Matthew reached over and stole John Michael's sippy cup and started frantically trying to eat it.  JM was not happy and kept crying out "Big boy cup!"  He tugged with all his might, but Matthew is our gentle giant and he was not going to let go of that cup!  It was cute moment between our boys!

-Matthew rolled from his tummy to his back Friday evening.  He has been rolling from his back to his tummy for a few months now. 

-He still is amazed by his big brother and if JM is around, Matthew's eyes are on him.  He always watches him (even in the car) and I know he is just soaking up so much just by having a big brother.

-His hair is dark.  JM's fell out and then turned blond, but Matthew is going to have brown hair and blue eyes.  He's got long eyelashes like JM does!

-We are still having to let him cry out at least one session of crying at night.  He's getting better and a lot of nights he'll sleep until 4 or 6 something! I know it comes from having a second baby because I would have NEVER let JM cry it out at night when he was this young.  Now, with baby #2, I'm just like whatever, he's fine!

-He looks like he wants to get up and just "go"!  When he's on his tummy he is starting to "swim" and it looks like he wants to crawl so badly!

-Matthew looooves to squeal here lately!  He can get pretty loud.  He's our baby dinosaur! 

-He loves to hold and play with his feet.  He's more of a sock-puller-offer than John Michael was.

-He can spin and spin his toys on his car seat bar and he loves to play with his Baby Einstein toys and try to eat them.

-Matthew can wear 12 month clothes, but he's mainly in 6-9 month clothes.  He also wears John Michael's socks.  It's so much easier just to put them in the same socks than to have a bunch of random socks!

-Matthew can sit unassisted for several seconds. 

-I have started letting Matthew sip on a little sippy cup in the afternoons.  He basically just chews on it, but I think he is starting to get the hang of it!

-Basically, he's just big!  When we're out and about people want to know how old he is and they usually can't believe he's only 5 months old.  He ususally gives so many smiles to strangers we meet.  We are so excited to watch our boys grow!


Jordan Wigley said...

He's our big boy alright! So many things are different than JM, yet so much is the same too. I know they're going to be best buds in a couple of years. For now, I'm still picturing JM saying "Big Boy Cup" when Matthew took it away from him! :-)

Jane (Grams, GaGa) said...

The "Big Boy Cup" story was the funniest!!! Heck, I can't wrangle things out of the gentle giant's hands either!!! He is one strong baby :)