Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Some Other People!

Within the fog of being sick and rundown here lately myself and then having John Michael wake up with croup in the middle of the night last night, thus requiring a trip to the ER in the early morning hours.......this had me absolutley rolling in the floor tonight!

We started to flip through an episode of American Idol on the DVR and noticed how random (and just plain weird) it was that it said and "some other people".  Forget the other famous judges that have been on the show for years, they're apparently just some other people!  So random and just plain funny!

I'm tired tonight and hoping for a decent night's sleep.  I sent Jordan to the ER with JM last night around 1:30 or so and they made it back around 4:30.  I couldn't go with them because I had to stay home with Matthew in case he woke up to eat.  Needless to say, Jordan didn't make it to work today so we have enjoyed a day at home recuperating and resting and trying to get JM better.  He's better today and I think croup won't get him down too badly!  We are hoping Matthew doesn't catch it.  It is highly contagious, so I am just praying that he stays well.

Matthew's sleeping is going a little better.  I've been leaving a CD on very, very quietly along with his white noise and I think it's helping.  We shall see!

And just for fun, here's a picture of our first baby, Jackson!

He enjoyed the beautiful weather today too!


Erin said...

I'm so sorry you guys have been under the weather. When I saw you Monday I didn't know you had been sick. hope you are all back up to speed soon!

Dina said...

I think the tv said that because on Ellen's show she mentioned that it had the 3 other judges names and not hers in the description. I guess they changed it just for her! That's funny!