Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Meme!

Today is my mom's birthday!  She is known as Meme and she was recently here for a visit.  After John Michael got over being sick for the first few days of her trip, he was really happy she was here!  He hasn't learned to say Meme or Papa or anything like that yet, but I know he will soon! 

I know both grandmothers are sooo mad that they didn't choose the name Nana, because John Michael CAN say Nana!  Ha!

Facts about my mom!

She's a retired home-economics teacher...yep, you guessed it, she teaches manners, etiquette, parenting and cooking.

She's the mom of a special needs child, which means she has a special heart!

She loooooves Southern stuff.  I mean she loves it all: china patterns, flatware patterns, manners, no chipped nail polish, never going out without lipstick or earrings, making fried okra and the best cornbread ever.

My two brothers and I turned out pretty darn good, so I'm thinking Mom (oh yeah and Dad!) had a little something to do with that!

Although we've had our fair share of health crises in our family, God has never left us or abandoned us, ever.  Even with all the medical problems and dilemmas, you know your Mama is the one who holds the family together. 

A special wedding picture of us.

These are my all-time favorite pictures of Mom.  I surprised her last year for her birthday while they were up here visiting and took her to get her picture taken with John Michael.  She was so surprised and I know she loves those pictures!  The pictures turned out to be some of the best she's ever taken!  She and JM looked so precious together!

Here's John Michael and Mom last Christmas.  I can't believe how much he will have changed by this coming we'll have one more to add to the bunch!

This is one of the best family shots that we have taken in a long time.  It was Mother's Day of this past year and everyone was visiting us to celebrate John Michael's birthday and then baby dedication at church!

Here's Mom on her last trip to visit us.  She got a lot of one-on-one time with John Michael for the first time!  He would go into her bedroom in the mornings and roll all around her bed and then watch cartoons and drink his milk.

Swingin with my Meme!

I know Mom is super excited about Baby #2 and Lord knows, she's praying for a girl!  I joke, but she's excited about the prospect of the 50/50 possibility she might get to go buy a whole bunch of pink frilly stuff.  If it's a boy, she'll be equally as excited to celebrate new life with us! 

The holidays are around right around the corner and I know everyone in our family is just waiting to celebrate with a new little addition to the family.  Family is so important, so go hug yours today!

Happy, Happy Birthday Mom!  Sorry we can't be there to celebrate with you!


Kacy said...

Your mom is so sweet. I really enjoyed meeting her & am looking forward to seeing her again at your shower (if the 27th is okay with y'all)!

Jordan Wigley said...

Happy Birthday "Meme"! :-)

Thanks for always being such a great mother-in-law, as well as a great grandmother to our son (and baby-to-be)! We appreciate everything you do for us, and I know Mary appreciates the help when you visit while she's pregnant and after babies are born. I hope you have a great Birthday today! Look forward to seeing you soon!


kimberly said...

Awww, Mrs. sweet is that....a beautiful post by your daughter, and then I click to say Happy Birthday and there's a precious comment from your son-in-law.

You are a blessed woman, and are such a blessing to many!! Have a wonderful birthday!!!

Dana/Meme said...

Thank you so much, darling, you are too kind! I love the pictures and post but mostly the sentiments. I know I don't deserve the accolades.
I am writing this through tear-stained eyes, so you really hit "the mother/daughter/grandchild spot" in my heart!
Now, you know I do not mind whether you have another boy or a girl, but it sure would be fun to get out all of your outfits and dresses and toys, etc. And I would love to be smocking a newborn dress right now. I hope I did not save ALL of this stuff for 20 something years for nothing - HA!
Wished we were together today too, but will see y'all in October. I do miss you so much - all of you! Thank you so much for this birthday "surprise" today!!!! Love, Mom
Jordan, thank you also for the lovely comment you left - I hope I can fill those shoes! (ps I could do a better job if I were very near to all of you - HA) You are a wonderful son-in-law and father and we could not have asked and prayed for anyone better! MA got the best of the best! If we keep bragging on you to everyone, I am afraid you may become conceited! HA Looking forward to seeing you before too long, also.
Kaci, thanks for your sweet comment too. I had a great time with you and Wells when I was in NWA. He is just precious and I hope he and JM can be great mates. Looking forward to a shower for this baby in Oct. It is so sweet of all of you to do this for MA and baby.
And Kimberly, awwww, it was sweet! all of it! I miss you not living in Gadsden anymore. Can you send me a link where I can keep up with your children and you better - they were so small when y'all moved! I know you are soooo proud of them. Thanks for your birthday message too!
Love you all - BYE!!

yvabyrep said...


guide head photography portrait posing toe ...

Joan said...

Your mom is the best! A few childhood memories I have of her:

I remember spending the night with you, when we were little, and waking up to pigs in a blanket for breakfast. I don't know if she made them from scratch, but I had never had them before, and I was convinced that they were the BEST things EVER!

I remember that one semester when my mom had a late clinical class, your mom would pick up both of us from Tuesday evening dance class with Ms. Wiggins and take us back to your house in Westminster where we would eat dinner and watch "Saved by the Bell, The College Years."

I remember being at my dad's apartment and receiving a phone call from you, saying that your mom would take us to go roll Jamie Howard's yard. He had been awful to us that day in school! I think we were in fifth grade. Your mom drove the big van to pick up me and Dad and drove to Jamie's house. It rocked. I think that's what started our yard rolling obsession that peaked in middle school.

I took Home-Ec from her in high school. I remember her coming into the room with a heart made out of construction paper, and saying that each time a person had sex with someone, they gave them a piece of their heart. She proceeded to tear off little bits of the paper heart. For some reason, that image stuck with me. I hope it stuck in the rest of the students' heads.

In short, Dana is the coolest!

I know this is late- I forget to check this cause I never get on the internet at home!

Dana/Meme said...

Thank you sooooo much Joan. Mary Avery told me you had left a reply and I couldn't wait to read it! You have been such a sweet, dear and loyal friend to MA almost as long as I remember. I hate you both are so far apart, because y'all would still be laughing and having fun!
My main image of you is someone who was always so pleasant - laughing and smiling and your pretty sparkling eyes. I loved having you around and you were one of the best and smartest students I ever taught!
And the night I let all of you girls roll Jamie's yard. Well, that was one of the scariest nights of my life!!! No kidding. My heart was beating 90 to nothing. I was terrified we would get caught and arrested. I kept telling your dad that I could just see it in The Gadsden Times: Local Home Ec teacher arrested with girls for destruction of property or something horrible like that. Remember me taking y'all to roll Elizabeth's yard and the Hill's mailbox? Y'all could do some damage on those mailboxes (not damage that could not be cleaned up, but what a mess)!
I look so forward to seeing you when MA is home and I wish you would come by to see me sometime, anytime.
I am so proud of you. Teaching college English!! How wonderful!
Thanks again for the lovely memories and posting marking my fifty-something birthday!
Love ya", Dana (or Miss Maxie)