Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jesus and Football and Croup, too

Long time, no blog!  We have our Meme up here right now visiting!  We picked her up in Tulsa and John Michael promptly got croup!  UGH!  He's doing so much better because I figured it out immediately and we headed to the doctor and got on meds to get it cleared up.  I heard that first raspy bark and I knew it was the ole icky croup!

Of course I'm behind on blogging so I'm just posting a few random pictures that are left over on the camera from the last week or two from when Gran and Gamps were visiting!  I'll get around to posting some more current pictures of our visit with Meme!

The more I looked at this next picture, the more I laughed and laughed about it!  John Michael was "reading" his Story of Jesus (one of his top 5 books right now) but I happened to notice that there's football on in the background.

Reading about Jesus and watching football is such the way to go!  I guess he's learning to double task at an early age.  Oh yeah, he's wearing his Alabama football cap too!

We had to stay out of Sunday School this past week because of Jon Michael's cold, but here he is at his last Sunday in the infants room.  I'm not going to talk about how sad that is.  I just know we're moving up and into new age groups and adventures!  That's what I'm telling myself...

Here's John Michael and Sarah Kate on their Sunday before moving up to the big kids room.  Wells wasn't there that day or else I would have gotten the trio in a picture!

After church we met Gran and Gamps at P.F. Chang's and JM enjoyed playing with his chop sticks!

We also played outside in our red car (like we do most days) when Gran and Gamps were here!

What a cute fella he is playing in his car in the sunshine!

Hopefully our little guy will feel better tomorrow and we can start to get out and about and do some fun things this week!

Verse O' the Day:

In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will.

Ephesians 1:11


Kacy said...

I hope the croup goes away soon! Looks like you'll be reading The Story of Jesus every Saturday this fall. That is too funny.

laurie said...

We know about Croup at our house. Emily has had it several times. I was so sad for SK to move out of that room Sunday.

Mike said...

Looks like I need to pick up a Mississippi State cap for JM.

Jane (Gran/Grams) said...

It was just too funny watching JM while I was reading him his Jesus book. Every time a play was going on, JM would stop and watch football....then after clapping for the play we would continue onto the next page...haha. I know that he and Jordan will have fun watching football this fall and hopefully give you time for a little rest.

Joan said...

Jesus AND football? Yep. He's from Alabama.