Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I know I started this blog to update family and friends on John Michael and all of his happenings, but I'm not going to blog about that today.

Today I am so mad, P-O'd, and totally mystified as to how this came to be:

Octuplets' Mom On Welfare


Ooohhh, her spokesman confirms, huh?  She receives $490 a month from the government and 3 of her first 6 kids are also federally taken care of.  I would LOVEto see who is going to pay for the (assumed) $15 million dollar bill that 8 preemies will run up with their (assumed) 3 or more month stay in the NICU. 

Maybe it's not nice or very Christian of me to think this way but I can't help but by mad at stupid doctors who implant 6 embroys in a woman who is not married, has 6 other children through infertility measures, has no way to take care of 14 children, and lives with her parents.  I am in NO way against in vitro at all.  It is a blessing of medical science that has given countless people the families they have always dreamed of and wanted.

From now on, no one can say ANYTHING about the Duggars.  After the crazy stunt this nut-job pulled to (quite dangerously) bring life into this world I believe the Duggars need to be left alone about bringing very wanted children into a loving, Christian home with brothers, sisters, and a mom and a dad who can financially afford them without any help from the government.

There, I might feel a little better now!  Have a happy Tuesday and I promise I won't post about anymore social issues for a while!  I'll be back to posting pictures of John Michael before you know it!


Lindsey said...

Don't even get me started on that woman! I think she is mental and I feel so sorry her children.

Dana/Meme said...

I think she just "assumed" she would get TV/book offers like the Duggars and Jon and Kate, but she is too nutty for that. No one would want to see her show, unless they were looking for a "freak show".
Come to find out, she has had some "work" done to look more like Angelina (lips) and that she admires Brangelina for having a big familly. She also acknowledged that she has used up her $50,000 in financial aid, and hasn't finished a degree. Plenty of money that had been available to her to at least get a B.S.
Have you see the pictures of the inside of her home? Raggedy, baby cribs everywhere, stuff everywhere and little kids roaming around the room half clothed. Make-shift curtains half hanging on the windows, and on and on and on!!! Cannot imagine how she thinks she can take care of all of these children!
Please post pictures of JM in his walker!!!
Love y'all!

Julie said...

I am with you on this one. I have absolutely no problem with the Duggars--and it bothers me when other people say anything about them because they are godly people who live debt free and raise their children to be productive members of society. But this may unfortunately turn out to be another case. I can't believe a doctor would implant that many embryos!!! It is totally irresponsible.

Jane (Gran/Grams) said...

Alert Congress, because America's favorite food stamp assisted, artificially inseminated, unemployed, Jolie-lipped loon mother of fourteen, Nadya Suleman, is looking for her very own bail out too ... from us!!!

She has created a website where people can make donations, leave comments or send items to her and her eight biblically named rugrats via her Los Angeles publicist. Are press reps included in WIC?

Let's hope the crazy doc who implanted Octomom with all fourteen of her kids makes a hefty donation. But, regardless, whether you donate or not, one thing's for sure: We will all still have to support her!

It's just a shame that her children are the ones who have to suffer from her ignorance.

Joan said...

Yeah that woman is a total nutjob. I saw her on Dateline last night and not only is she crazy, she's completely delusional and kind of an idiot.

BUT- I have to say, it is common practice to implant 6 embryos during in vitro. And the woman couldn't have known she would end up having 8 babies in one shot, so to speak. Regardless of that, no responsible doctor should have implanted ANY embryos in the womb of a single mother that already had 6 children she could barely raise.

Then again, that borders on all kinds of ethical questions, so who knows?

jul said...

I am in total agreement.