Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Whole Year and a Half!

We semi-celebrated John Michael's 18 month birthday on Sunday.  We don't celebrate every month, but this was a kind of big one!  We are half-way on our way to being two years old.  How does time go by so quickly?  I don't think I'll ever figure that one out.

We let John Michael eat a cupcake and he was so darn happy.  These next few pictures say it all!

That's Papa on the phone helping us sing Happy 1/2 Birthday to John Michael!


Oh, we have no doubt he is a member of our family!

Then, he started to get a little upset.  He broke out the sign language, trying to frantically sign "MORE!"

That stinker wanted MY cupcake!

Verse O' the Day:

Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

Nehemiah 8:10


Erin said...

what a cutie!

Jane (Grams, GaGa) said...

Hahahaha....we laughed till we hurt when reading this post!! Seeing him do his "more" sign after wiping out his cupcake was hilarious!! But of course after the way he dug into his mini cake at his first birthday, it isn't a surprise that he would be able to eat more than one cupcake! haha We are betting that a pregnant mommy didn't surrender her cupcake to him.
It's hard to believe that our precious grandson is now on his way to being two. How time flies....

Jordan Wigley said...

That was a hilarious night. Of course lesson learned... do not feed your 18-month old a cupcake at dinner, for he will surely not wind down by 8:00 for bedtime!