Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baseball Fever

We have had some major baseball fever around here!  Our boys LOVE some sports and baseball is the sport of the moment.  They play Wii baseball a pretty good bit and JM is getting very good at hitting the ball.  Jordan got out our new T-ball set and they have just been wild about it!  Luckily it came with 2 balls and we have 2 bats, so it works out just fine!

It's still so hot but that wouldn't keep our boys away from their T-ball set!


They wanted to wear their matching baseball shirts to play baseball outside!

 If you can't tell by this picture of Matthew, it looks like we might have an athlete on our hands.  We truly don't care what our boys end up doing, but wow, Matthew has really shown some athletic ability over the last year.  Yes, I know he's still little but the way he has perfect form playing golf and T-ball and we've never truly shown him how to do it, it just makes us wonder!  We'll find out what his true interests are in a few years and see what kind of strengths and abilities God has blessed him.  Hopefully our boys will use their natural gifts to bring glory in some way to God!

 After we played baseball for awhile, we had to have a popsicle break; like we do most nights!



 And Baby Noah got in some special Daddy snuggle time while the big boys played!

By next summer we'll have 3 little boys playing baseball in our backyard in the hot, hot summer heat!  I can't wait!