Friday, March 25, 2011

Bowling Fun!

The weekend after we got back from Disney we took the boys to the bowling alley for the first time.  We had been playing bowling on Wii ALL winter long and we knew they would love it!  Matthew was a bit distracted because of all the bowling balls.  Everything to him lately is "ball, ball, ball" so he had a had time concentrating, plus all the balls were too heavy for him to actually play with!

John Michael was really excited for his first bowling experience!

I'll have to say, Jordan did most of the actual "work" on this one!  He took the boys up to the line and helped them with the bowling ball the whole time!

Matthew wanted to get all the bowling balls!

But, he was ready for his turn.  He did a pretty good job!


The scores weren't all that bad for bowling with 2 little children!


We all had a really good time and it was fun to be back spending quality time with our little ones!  We'll definitely have to go back again soon!


Jane (GaGa) said...

Fun!! GaGa will have to show the boys that she can bowl too!! HA!