Friday, June 12, 2009

Our Little Sprout!

Our little sprout is just growing and growing! 

NO, not this little sprout....

But these little guys!

My dad made us a little garden while he was out here and although the first few didn't make it, we replanted a few tomato plants.  Now those plants are thriving (shock!) and starting to sprout tiny green tomatoes!  We couldn't be more proud of our gardening accomplishment.

Everyday John Michael helps us water the garden and we check out the progress of our little sprouts!  All I keep thinking is how wonderful those green tomatoes are going to look sliced up and battered in my frying pan!  Mmmmmmm!

We also have these little grape tomatoes that are coming right along too!  This is our first year to try and grow anything of our own, so we'll see if it works out and next year we'll plant more.  I would like to have a blueberry bush next year, also.   

I'll leave you with a picture from after the storms the other night.  I just happened to look out the kitchen window and I told Jordan, come look, quick!! Isn't this the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen?! Of course the pictures don't do it justice!  The whole sky was hot pink and orange.  Happy Friday, everyone!


Dana/Meme said...

Knowing how much you love "mater" sandwiches, as well as fried green tomatoes, I am so proud that your tomatoes are growing well.
Beautiful sunset!!!
Wonder if JM will like tomatoes too??????????
Love to all!

Jane (Gran/Grams) said...

Your garden is looking great!! One of the reasons that I love summer so much is to have fresh tomatoes!! The pictures of the sky are great. Such unusual colors. Tell JM to keep up the good work watering and learning to walk.
Love y'all and can't wait to see you for the 4th.