Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Wise Person Once Said

At Lifeway a few weekends ago I was flipping through a book about long and happy marriages.  I was just browsing through and just happened to land on a page that said:

"The secret to being able to spend more time with your husband once you

have kids is to realize you have to let some of the

housework go."


Wow.  Let that sink in for a moment.


It really convicted me right there in the store.  I don't know about you but I struggle on a daily basis just to keep our house from looking like an episode of Hoarders on TLC.  One lazy day and we dive into chaos. Pure happiness is when JM is at Mother's Day Out and Matthew is sleeping and I can clean.  That is clinially insane.  I should be doing something fun, not constantly cleaning and trying my best to organize, all the while knowing once Matthew is out of the crib all of my efforts will be fruitless!

I don't think we have an over abundance of stuff, but we don't have a super-simple lifestyle here, either.  I've been trying really hard to make a meal and freeze one and it seems to be working and helping out a lot. We're not super-duper clean Type-A cleaners around here so we're just about middle of the road and most days all the stuff, toys, books, dishes, sippy cups, and clothes to be folded overwhelm me!

My two little laundry helpers are cute, though, aren't they?!

Being home a lot during the day, how do you learn to let it go?  I know this statement is so true!  I am a work in progress and I am slowly learning to let it go...........

but I still wish I had a cleaning lady!  ha!!



Hannah Carter said...

Girlfriend...I'm right there with ya! I haven't found that balance yet either. We're putting our house on the market, so I've been cleaning like a mad woman to get the house in tip top shape! And, after looking at my closets and trying to look at my house from the perspective of a potential buyer...I think maybe I should be on Hoarders!! ha! Just know you're not alone...maybe we should start a support group for SAHM working to keep a clean house!

Jane (Grams, GaGa) said...

My mother once cross stitched a throw pillow for me that said:

The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
for children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

That also goes for spending fun times with your hubby too!
I agree that it gets overwhemling if it builds up...but it never hurts to take time off from cleaning and enjoy the day!