Anyway, my new best friend is.....................
The Germ Guardian!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish that I had gotten this months ago. It's the Germ Guardian and it kills 99% of germs in 30 minutes. What's great about it is that you can put pacifiers, bottle stuff, toys, and breast pump pieces in it! It says it uses dry heat to sanitize, which is safer than harmful chemicals. It's perfect for right now with the stomach bug going around and colds and stuff! What I like about it is that I can put plush toys in it since I'm never really sure they're clean. I'm not crazy-sanitary-mom, just come by our house anytime and you'll see, but I really love this product. Their website says it kills: Staph, RSV, Coronavirus, E. Coli, and salmonella. Now, it's a little loud, kind of like your exhaust fan above the stove. It runs for 30 minutes and shuts off when it's done! I ordered ours from Babies R Us but you can find out more information, here.
Jackson is STILL smelling so bad. We had to crate him last night because we could not take the smell! The groomer is closed today so I have to wait until tomorrow to call. He's so matted and he really, really needs a BIG haircut or we would attempt to bathe him ourselves!
John Michael slept ALL night again! I can't believe it. I thought for sure we would have a really rough night since he has the stomach bug. I was so worried all night long that he might throw up and I wouldn't know, but he did not. I also wrestled with wondering if I should mess with this precious, precious sleep and wake him up to feed him. I was worried about him not getting enough fluid. He did throw up his first morning feeding, so still no food for him! His diaper wasn't as full, but he had decent output. His diapers still should be a little more wet, but I know a little dehydration goes along with this. It's funny the problems that you face as a new mom: should you wake up the baby during the night to feed him even though he's just started sleeping through the night without eating, what if he runs a fever and you don't know, what if he throws up and you don't know that, either, should you sleep back there in case he throws up and on and on and on.
Hopefully, the rest of the day will go well. John Michael is sleeping very well right now so I'm hoping we have a great day! Hope you have one too!
Verse O the Day:
Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.
Revelation 3:20
I have to admit, I'm really liking the Germ Guardian too. It's not nearly as loud as you're making it out to be. Hopefully JM will feel better later on today. You're being a great Mom this week taking such good care of him. Wish I could be there helping out, instead of working. Hope you have a great day and get him feeling better!
We are so glad to hear that he had a good night! Hopefully he will be feeling better by this afternoon. I know it's so hard not to worry about him. You and Jordan are both wonderful parents, and a baby can't ask for more than that!
Love y'all
Grams and Gamps
PS...I cracked up at the "Hauling Oats" comment. I hadn't heard Jordan tell about that one!!! Funny!!!
YES!!!!! That little baby gadget USED to be called the Germ Doctor back 7 year ago when I bought ours! It has made it through THREE babies now and is still kicking it! I have a medically complicated 2 year old and I am pretty sure she would have caught something horrid at hospitals if it were not for that little guy. We take it EVERYWHERE to sanitize passies, bottles, toys, etc. Now that the kids are all 2 and up we use it to sanitize sippy cup lids etc.
Hauling Oats???? HAHAHHAHA!
Also, I love Wings. That's one of the best shows ever. I wish I had a DVR so I could record stuff!
I need to look into that germ killer. Sk has a plush seal that she loves but I know it is so germy. I am so sorry that JM has been sick. Poor little baby.
Happy that he is sleeping. I wish we could say the same.
I love the closeup picture of John Michael's sweet little face, asleep on Dad's shoulder. He has changed and grown since y'all were here just a short time ago. But that picture gives me a good view of him to look at and dream of him.
I also love the germ machine - what a great invention!! Glad you got it! Hope JM gets over this little bug real fast. Love to all!!!
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