John Michael is 8 months old today! I can't believe it. I always say that, but I really can't believe that it's passing so quickly. I'm liking this stage where he's funny and sweet and not crawling yet! We had playgroup this afternoon, which we were about an hour late for because JM just kept sleeping and sleeping! We also hit up Wal-Greens for some coupon-register reward madness! I got some pretty good stuff at some great prices! Yay for $0.99 Fructis shampoo!
Play Group!

- Sarah Kate and John Michael

- In serious thought

- Some of the kiddos
Some 8 Month Shots!

- This is what happens when your dog has an afro.

- Trying hard to crawl!! AAAHH!

- Hello!

Verse O' the Day:
The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished.
Exodus 34:6-7
It didn't even dawn on me today when I talked with you that today was the 8th. Wow!!! 8 months old....hard to believe. And he just gets cuter every day...his looks, his personality, and his actions. Our sweet little one is growing up. We love him...and y'all so much. Gamps was showing off his pictures today and bragging about what a cute lil fellow he was. Great pictures on the blog today. All the children are so cute. We are glad that you have such a great group of young women and children to get together with!!
Whoa! 8 Months. They are growing up toooo fast. JM will be crawling soon. watch out!
So cute - love his little gumball outfit!!!!!
I also did not think about yesterday as being his 8th month mark. It just goes by too quickly. And it seems to get faster the older they get. This is a sweet age. Smiling, happy, sociable, mobile, interactive and loving. Enjoy it!
The pictures are so cute, and he does look like he is about to take off crawling any day now. So Laurie is right, "watch out"!!!
Better be child-proofing your house quickly! You cannot imagine the unpredictable things they can get into.
Give John Michael 8th month hugs and kisses from all of us! We miss you all so much. It is so quite and kind of boring around here without all of the "madness" of baby-stuff going on around us. Love ya'!
That is the cutest little outfit ever. EVER!!!!
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