We are in some desperate need for two very precious girls and their precious newborns from our area. It's so hard to see God's plan in everything and in everything give praise. I've linked to their blogs on here before but tonight it seems that things have turned a corner. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in miracles. My family has been on the receiving end of some pretty serious things, but we have also been on the receiving end of a miracle straight from God; not once, but a few times. If you know my family, then you know what I'm talking about. If not, perhaps I'll tell the story on my blog one day.
Please, please lift up Baby Harper and new Mama Kelly. You can check out her site
HERE. Please, please lift up Baby Brayden and new Mama Jenna. You can check out her site
Jordan and I are fervently praying and crying out to God tonight to please, please be with these babies and these families.
I believe in miracles....the question is:

Mary Avery---this is Kimberly in Alabama that did stationery for you.......weird, huh? I follow Kelly's blog and never noticed your blog on hers, but tonight after the prayer request for Harper, I clicked on any of her friends who might have updated to see if I could find out any other news. And thus, stumbled upon yours.
I knew of NO one else by the name Mary Avery Wigley......tis certainly a God thing to find you in blog world.
Please know I am praying for Kelly and Harper and their entire family......I do not know her, only by way of her blog. And have e-mailed her only once....when she announced she was pregnant. She seems like such an outstandingly sweet girl......and a wonderful Christian. My heart aches terribly for her right now.
So, to answer your question from above....I do believe in miracles, and more importantly, I believe in the ONE who can deliver them still today. Sorry for the lengthy comment, but wanted you to know prayers are coming from Alabama for her too.
Couldn't have said it better. What a wonderful young woman you are and a caring, praying friend. I am so proud of you.
I tried to leave a comment for Kelly (it got pretty long), but I must have hit a wrong key or something and it disappeared. I was really upset, as there were so many things I had said to her from first hand experience. I have been looking for my comment for quite some time and have decided it is just gone.
God knows what I have on my heart for both of these families and I guess that is good enough.
I will be praying for these 2 precious, loved and wanted babies and their families. I will also be waiting for and expecting a miraculous healing of Harper and Brayden!!!
I believe! Love you all! Hugs and kisses all around.
Thank you Mary Avery - that means the world to us.
You have such a sweet heart for God and for your friends and family. I have been following both blogs and praying for both Brayden and Harper and their families. I know that God will give them peace and reassurance during this trying time and that He is the Great Physician and we are all watching for Him to reveal Himself as both babies and families are touched by Him. I haven't left replies on either site, but I will now to let them know one more person is praying for them.
I hope JM finally kicks that stomach bug this weekend. Give him a kiss from us.
Love you all so very much.
Mary Avery--thank you thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. I have reached a point of absolute exhaustion and can't go on with this burden any longer, and I am amazed how quickly I have felt the burden ease just a little knowing I have some friends who not only are praying for me now, but have been for a while and I didn't even know it. You don't know how much I appreciate that. I am sorry for your brother's situation--that must be so difficult year in and year out. I will pray for him as well.
Hi Mary. I found your blog through Kelly's. I have been praying for your friends listed above and will be praying for your family as well.
At the risk of sounding stalkerish, I clicked on your link from Kelly's blog because one of my oldest and dearest friends told me during Christmas that her cousin, Mary Avery, had a blog. After seeing the "Roll Tide" on your blog, I'm wondering if that's you? My friend is Shannon W., her mom is Sandra, and the two of them along with "Aunt Faye" told me all about your blog and sweet baby who is about the same age as my baby girl. I live in NE AL not far from Shannon's parents and we went to school together from K-12!
Anyway, if you have no idea who these people are, please don't report me to the blog police! I promise I'm not a weirdo....(well, at least not any weirder than anyone else from my neck of the woods! haha!)
You don't know me but I linked from Kelly's page. Can you please give me an update on Harper?
I have been praying and I so hope there is not bad news ...
Love in Christ -
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