Well, I have come out of the foggy haze of nausiousness and tummy troubles that has been my life for around 24 hours. I'm so glad that I didn't have a really, really bad stomach bug this year. The stomach bug that I had this time last year (while around 24 weeks pregnant) was off the charts horrendous. All I can remember is being passed out on the bathroom floor with a pillow. Anyway, it was only a very small one this time, but ugh! I've discovered that it's really hard to be a mom and be sick; especially with something like the stomach bug. Of course, I couldn't have been sick while we were home for two whole weeks. It would have been lovely to have a grandma to pass JM off to! Props to my sweet friend, Jessica from down the street, who brought me some Imodium! What a lifesaver!
I've not only battled being nauseated but I've battled guilt all day as I just had to put doodlebug in front of cartoons ALL day long. I feel so bad doing that. It downright makes me feel like a bad mom. He played so well all day while I layed on the couch and narrated the cartoons so that at least his little brain was picking up on words like yellow, dog, giraffe, baby, etc!
On top of him being a good little boy today, last night he only woke up once and slept until 6 and then from 6-9 with me! Last night I was praying that he would not wake up all night long because I just did not have it in me to get up along with being so sick! Very much an answered prayer! Another answered prayer is my wonderful husband who took such wonderful care of me last night. Not only that, he came home a little early from work so that I could lay down for a little bit and he and John Michael could have some quality time together. After I woke up from my little nap I started feeling much better and not really as nauseous. I know that I will be much better by tomorrow! We're happy to be back home!
Verse O' the Day:
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.
James 4:17
Home Style Saturday 442
16 hours ago
So happy to hear that you're feeling better and proud of JM for being a good little boy! And I'm sure that Jordan was eager to play with JM since while he was so sick here, he really didn't get to interact much with him. I know that when I talked to Jordan last night, he said that they had a good time playing. Hopefully JM slept well last night too so that you can fully recuperate.
I'm sorry you have been so sick. Ya'll have had a rough Christmas. YUCK!
I often wondered this year how moms do it when they are sick and have babies to take care of. Don't be guilty - you do what you need to to survive!!!
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