Friday, January 9, 2009

Hi-Ho Cheerio!

What little guy is starting to experiment with Cheerios, but doesn't really like them or know what to do with them....AND has an overly concerned Mama who's afraid he'll choke on 'em?????!!

I had no idea it was Friday.  Trying to unpack, get back in the groove of things, and being sick put me way behind!  This weekend we are goin' to be REAL fancy!  We're going to Fayetteville.  It's a long story, but picture new mom+colicky baby+30 ride from home+unfortunate poo accident in Target that grossed out some poor college girls+tears and you'll understand why we haven't been back to Fayetteville in quite some time!  I'm sure it was an excellent form of birth control for those girls. 

Anyway, we're going to my absolute most favorite jewerly store to get my wedding rings cleaned, possibly Rick's Bakery (I shouldn't), and Target for some baby storage shelves for all of our new toys!  By the way, I have recently discovered Rick's Bakery and it is amazing.  Why hasn't that place been on Food Network and why did it take me so long to discover it?!!

Have a happy weekend!

Verse O' the Day:

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.       *Nuff said!*

Jeremiah 1:



Kelly said...

Oh yes - Rick's is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Won't you be glad when the Target opens here??????

Vonda said...

I love Rick's Bakery. I am going into a sugar coma just thinking about their yummy sweets.

Dana/Meme said...

Look at that cute little guy using his thumb and forefinger to pick up a small Cheerio!! What a smart guy. Now if he can just figure out how to "gum" them.............................. cute!

Dana/Meme said...

Oh my goodness!!! I just took a virtual tour of Rick's Bakery. WOW! Next time we are out there, we must go (but we shouldn't) -HA! Why have you kept this a secret?

Jane (Gran/Grams) said...

Sounds like you have a fun day ahead of you tomorrow. JM looks so cute picking up the Cheerios!! I didn't know they started on Cheerios before teeth came in. I'm sure they can be softened up with there gums and swallowed though. We always used to give Zwieback cookies Jordan and Janna (back in the dark ages...haha). These are hard, thick cookies that just kind of dissolve in their mouth as they gum them. I have a great picture of Jordan sitting in his highchair, smiling, with the Zwieback smeared all over his cute little face. Enjoy your adventure tomorrow and eat something sweet for me!!!