Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Bee" an Obedient Bee!

John Michael started choir at church this year and he has LOVED it!  He really likes music and likes to sing and hum and so I thought it would great for him to start choir to sing songs about Jesus and start hiding His word in his heart.  The theme for the year was "Obedient Bee" and it has really helped around here.  We talk about being obedient and listening and we want to be like the obedient bee and follow God's instructions for our life.  I will tell a fully story on JM though: We were having a discussion about him disobeying and we asked him if wanted to be like the obedient bee and obey and he said "NO!  I just want to be a lady bug"!  He is so funny and full of drama sometimes!

Here are all the kids singing and wearing their bee costume.  Oh my goodness, they all look so precious and little.  JM is on the far right toward the end.


Here he is in full bee regalia!

He said his favorite part about singing onstage was that he was on the TV....meaning he could see himself on the big screen!  I think he loved that!  He kept looking over at the big screens to see himself!

We brought Matthew with us so he could watch brother sing.  Matthew knows all the songs too because we listened to them in the car a lot.

Look at this sweet boy!  Goodness, he's growing by leaps and bounds everday.  I think he has the most precious, long eyelashes.  I think they look like camel eyelashes against his dark, tan skin.

We were so proud of John Michael for singing his bee songs this year and we are so thankful for our church having these special things for our children to be involved in and for the choir teachers giving of their time.  At first JM told me I could NOT help with choir, but after his concert he told me that I could help with choir now, so I just might next year!

It sounds silly, but I felt like a "real" mom sitting there with our camera and video camera watching my child sing onstage!  It doesn't seem like 4 years has passed since I became a mom.  Time is flying by so quickly, it makes my heart hurt sometimes!


ray maxwell said...

Nothing like a great church group, never will know what they will retain. our boys are growing up way to fast but they do get better looking every day.

Meme said...

I am so proud of JM being in choir and singing "God songs"! He is so cute stand there. And I can just see him watching himself on the "big screen"! I loved our little Cherubs Choir when I was his age. I hope he always loves music of all kinds!

Jane Cosby (Gaga) said...

It made my heart burst with pride to see JM on stage singing with the children's choir. He did great and it was funny to watch him watching himself on the big screen..haha. Y'all have a wonderful church and I enjoyed the sermon too. And Matthew was such a good little man throughout the whole service. Love those boys to pieces!