Saturday, February 19, 2011

Valentine's and a Little More

So what have we been up to since my Super Sticky Santa post?  Well, not too much!  We are finally getting into the swing of things after being snowed in and stuck in the house.  Not only is the snow gone, but we are having some crazy-beautiful sunny days!  70's baby! 

We've been playing outside a lot and the boys are so happy!  I haven't even taken my camera outside because my hands are too full with both of them in the yard!

We had tons of leftover snow, so I decided to make snow ice cream!  I remember Mom making it, but I've never made it.  It was pretty easy and I have to say, it was really good!

John Michael helped me mix it up.......

And we all enjoyed a little bit of "snow cweam"-as JM says!

We also made it to week 20!!!  We are halfway through this third pregnancy!  It doesn't feel like we're halfway there!  We have our ultrasound this week!

Here's my two favorite Valentines (besides Jordan) on Valentine's Day.  This was the best picture I could get of them in their red Valentine outfits.

Our parents and my grandparents sent sweet Valentine's Day cards and gifts for the boys.  JM enjoyed his Valentine cookie from Gaga.


We mainly celebrated Valentine's Day by making a heart-shaped cake.  Actually, both boys helped me and it turned out cute and pretty good!

And I just couldn't resist taking Matthew's picture Friday in this cute little fire truck outfit!

Here's our cute-pie playing his favorite game, golf!


Jane (GaGa) said...

Such sweet pictures!!!! And 20 weeks???? Already??? Going by fast...for me anyway...haha. Your heart cake looks delicious! I'm sure all your boys(big and little) enjoyed eating it!! Looking forward to being there in a few days and can't wait to get me a little grandson lovin' in :)