Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What's That You Say?

This post will only interest you if you're one of our boy's grandparents, or myself!  I have to write things down as the boys are growing because I know I won't be able to remember what they are doing and saying right now.  Here's what both boys are up to!


Matthew can say so many words to be just 12 months!  I'm sure there's a few I forgot!

Bye, waves                             cheese                        Mickey                       eat

art  (at)                                  all done                      choo choo                  cracker

Tree (tee)                               adum (you do)            Pete                            Mama/Dada

more (signs)                          Hello (hey yo)              Touchdown and down

juice                                      shoe                            Jack                            dog and woof

night night (nah nah)            banana (nana)             no and shakes his head

Matthew also had his one year check up and he is doing great!  He's still around 90% for height, but since he's been moving around so much, he has stayed around the same weight for a few months now, so that puts him around 75% in weight!  We're so happy he's a healthy, growing boy!  He loves blueberries, bananas, crackers, and yogurt so much!

John Michael is also growing and learning a lot of things lately.  We're always reminding him to slow down and use his words like a big boy.  Usually after a gentle reminder, he will tell us what he's wanting or thinking in more of a sentence form. 

The funniest thing he has said lately he said just last week!  I pulled into our neighborhood from a different  direction so that I could pull over by the mailbox and grab the mail (you know, to see if there were any Christmas cards!) and he got very confused and started crying.  While still sniffling he said "Where did home go?!"  It was very cute and pretty smart to realize we were close to home but he didn't see our house!

JM has also been doing more imaginative play lately, which is also cute to watch.  Just today he pretended to give Matthew an "Alabam football hat" and then he gave me one too!   Having a toddler is always fun as I get to watch him grow and learn every single day.  It's been so very fun to share the Christmas story with him and relate it to a program at church or Christmas books that we read at home.  He's starting to piece it all together and he can pick most every character out of a manger scene.  We've also been practicing saying "Happy Birthday Jesus!"  Christmas really is fun through the eyes of a child!


Jane (Grams, GaGa) said...

Both boys are growing so fast. Matthew's vocabulary is amazing! It's sometimes hard to tell on the phone which one I'm talking too...haha. JM still has such a sweet voice though...and I love the way Matthew "growls" byeeee. We just want to take this time to thank both of you for raising our grandsons to know and love Jesus. I pray that they will always celebrate Christmas by saying "Happy Birthday Jesus"! Thanks for posting these sweet pictures and for sending in the great pictures at WalMart. It makes being so far away "almost" bearable!! Ha!