Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Escape

I'll be brutally honest with you, internets, I've been having a hard finding a little time for "me" here lately.  Matthew is a really good, easy baby so I don't know why I'm complaining!  By the time we finally get him down at night it's at least 8:45 or so.

So, you tend to some laundry, wipe down counters, try to fold or hang up laundry and all of a sudden it's 10:00.  That means it's bedtime for sure.  I'm trying to find that balance of spending QT with hubby but also having a little time to just sit and be with me and myself at the end of the day.  Jordan helps me SO much.  He does more laundry than any husband I know.  He's always helping and even asks me what he can do to help me.  I am so fortunate and lucky to have such a great guy!  But, even with his help, there's always stuff to do at night that takes so much time!

Tonight, I was totally selfish and I made my escape to Starbucks to do some blogging, journaling, and all around Me-ness!  After both kiddos were down for the count I said good-bye to hubby and headed out the door for just a bit.

I keep hoping that everything is going to click with being a new mom of two.  Matthew is easy and great, but it's the time issues I'm having that is the problem.   Is it me, or will this be something that will come together over time?

Here's the dream, or goal if you will:

Spend time with Jordan at night after both babies are in bed, have a clean kitchen with no dishes in the sink, keep up with the laundry, have a little time to do something for me, and most importantly find some time to spend on a quiet time with God, which is so important, but it's slipping big-time. 

These little guys are so worth all the days of having no make-up on or Jordan coming home to a messy house with books and toys on the floor!

I keep telling myself (& it's so important to remember) blink and you'll miss it.  I already blinked and JM is almost 2.  Times flies and before long our kids will be teenagers and not want to be around us at all so we have to make the most of all the time that we do have!

Now, don't even get me started on finding time for the gym.  That's another blog post.


Kelly said...

I totally understand this. Some weeks go by that I feel like I don't get a moment to myself - I use every minute of sleeping time (when I'm not sleeping) to clean or do house projects or to grocery shop - that I just get wiped out. And I only have one. I DO keep telling myself how fast time goes and just to enjoy this. They will all be in school before we know it!
Hope you have a good day!

Amanda Vestal said...

Hey girl. I think you are doing a great job. The one thing that I let go is perfection in my house. What I can get done during the down times during the day is all I do. Once Neely is in bed for the night...NO CHORES. This is MY TIME. My time to spend time with Brad, my time to read, my time to do my devotion. Sometimes (like right now) I have dishes in the sink and laundry to be hung up (the laundry might or might not have been there for 4 days) and that is okay. We can clean when they go to school. :)

Jane (Grams, GaGa) said...

I'm sure you have heard this poem before, but maybe now is time for a reminder. My mother stitched me a pillow with this poem on it when Janna was born.

The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
For children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

Maybe one day a week use plastic cups, paper plates, pull out a dinner you have dishes, no pots and pans...and just enjoy time with those two sweet grandsons of mine...and more importantly have time for yourself! I'm glad you had a Starbucks outing and hope it helped. You're a great mom and wonderful wife. Everyone needs a little "me" time. Praying that you and all your friends in AR keep power during this storm and that everyone stays well. Love ya'll

courtney stephenson said...

We haven't even met but I already think you're such a good mom! I only have one little girl, Lauren, who is 14 months old. I just enrolled her in a Parent's Day Out program at church. It was super cheap, $15 a day, from 9:30-2:30. It's done wonders for my me time. I wonder if they have that there?

courtney stephenson said...

oh yes, she only goes on Thursdays. Totally don't want you to think that I stay at home and send her off 5 days a week, HA! But that 1 day is marvelous! Also, our gym has free child care. Maybe there's one there too? It's awesome.

kimberly said...

Mary Avery....seriously, take your me time whenever, however you can get it. Even if it's just 15 minutes, or a longer evening at makes you an even better mother to take care of yourself as well. YOU are the most integral part, so YOU need to remember that you are deserving of YOU time. Looking back in life, you will not regret leaving a basket of unfolded laundry for the night, or supper dishes left in the sink to soak, even baked on lasagna supper dishes, or bathoom rugs that didn't get washed this week or last, and so forth. There's a million things that could be added to this list....and they each wait until AFTER you take some time for yourself. It may not happen everyday, but over time, you'll be amazed at where you can squeeze in a moment here and there, chisel out a little chunk of time, just for MA. :)

Joan said...

You can call me and gossip!!! hehe!