Thank you, Lord, for Tylenol I thought to myself as I rocked John Michael for the fourth time that night. His fever was still pretty high for him to have had Motrin and Tylenol. It was this very basic, common drug that was helping him and saving his life by bringing his temperature down to a reasonable level.
As we rocked in our warm house, in our comfy chair, and he in his little boy footed pajamas it made my heart heart for Haiti. Not just in a normal, I-can't-believe-what-I'm-watching-on-TV hurt but now it was a Mama's heart and it hit me in my heart.
I just kept thinking and thinking about how there's got to be dozens of Haitian mothers right this very moment who would give their right arm for a dose of Tylenol for the bring their fever down or to heal them from a wound they received in the rubble.
Sitting there rocking it made even the smallest things seem absurd compared to what these poor, devastated people are going through. Absurd that my faucet should sit and run as I brush my teeth while they have none. Absurd as I open my pantry to see what we're going to have for lunch, when they have none. Absurd to worry about even small, little things when they literally have nothing.
I had not kept up with what was going on too much and we haven't really even had Fox News on because we don't have the TV on too much during the day and I just really didn't want to watch the devastation over and over all day long. When I finally sat down and clicked around online I have to admit I was truly shocked at the number of dead that I saw. I naively thought the numbers would be in the thousands...not in the hundreds of thousands.
So, I'm left with being grateful every single day of our lives. Grateful we live in the greatest country in the world, grateful to God for our health and for the fact that we have so much, and grateful for my family.
I don't know why bad things happen and I don't know why people have to suffer. I do know God is there and He is more mighty than any disaster. It is a helpless feeling to have to just sit and watch and know all I can really do is pray and donate to organizations like The Red Cross or Compassion.
Until I have all the answers, I'm going to continue being grateful for the Tylenol that lines my linen closet and the clean water that flows from my sink. It's the little things in life that are beautiful, isn't it?
Verse O' the Day:
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philipians 4:6
Let’s Go Antiquing!
6 hours ago
What a beautiful composition that I can tell is coming straight from "a mother's heart". Mothers just feel those things more, with greater insight, because we identify with other mothers and their plights.
Always be thankful to live here, no matter how bad things seem to get politically and religiously. It is still better than any other place (at least so far). I hope JM is feeling better today, bless his little heart. Wished I was there to rock and hold him, but I know he mostly wants his mommy!
Good post! I missed you today!
I know all of the devastation in Haiti has really been weighing heavily on you, baby. That shows what a great woman, wife, and mother you are! There are always things we won't understand in our lifetime, and this is definitely one of them. I always just pray that at least some amount of people will come to know the Lord through the men and women who are over there helping out and sharing God's Word!
I love you... have a great day!
I know, as a mother too, that my heart aches for everyone in Haiti.....but especially the mothers and children. I saw mothers, in a park that hadn't been damaged, watching their children play...just trying to make the best of their situation. I love the fact that many of them are worshiping the Lord and singing songs of praise in spite of the fact that most are left with nothing. I pray for those still searching for their loved ones and for those who are over their helping to care for everyone.
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