Luckily, my in-laws were scheduled to come visit so it really has helped to have another set of arms to hand John Michael off to or to hold Matthew so I can hold my sick little guy. JM is better, but still not 100% and we are just hoping and praying that Matthew does not catch it since he's so little.
Also, today I had the day out and finally got a haircut and color. If you know me at all, then you know it took me almost 3 years of living here before I would trust somebody to cut and color my hair. Usually I would just wait until we were planning a trip back home and have my regular lady cut it.
I finally gave in and found somebody here, but she up and had a baby and she's on maternity leave so I let somebody else cut it. The color came out OK, but I'm not so sure about the cut. It's very short and that's a bad combination when you've still got tons of baby weight to lose. I'm not sure I really like it. The only good news is that my hair is growing pretty quickly lately so I know it will grow out soon enough. Oh well, I guess we all suffer from bad haircuts sometime in our lives.
Since we've been busy with baby stuff I'm just posting a few random pictures. Matthew was sleeping on the beanbag while we were getting ready last weekend. He took up almost the whole thing! He is so long!
This picture made me laugh because he just looks so long all stretched out. He was quite comfy in the bean bag!
We've enjoyed some nice weather lately. It's been a great change from the -2 degree weather and snow that we had just a few weeks ago. JM was more than happy to go outside and play with his beloved red car!
And, here's JM doing his best impersonation of Steve Jobs eating a lemon. In fact, it was his first lemon and he ate all the pulp!
I think he actually liked it!
Verse O' the Day:
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34
I still think your hair looks great, no matter what you say! As for the little guys (neither are too little!), you've done a great job handling both of them and still giving JM some nice mom-time while he's been sick. You're a great mom!
I still wish JM would have held my iPod while he was standing there in his black turtle-neck with jeans on... would have been a much better Steve Jobs impersonation! :-)
Love the pictures of Matthew on the bean bag. He looks huge!! But such an angelic face! Cannot wait to see you all, and get my hands on the little guys.
I am glad JM got to go outside and play with his car - Jack looks like he is having fun too! The 2 buds together.
By the way, who is Steve Jobs? I am out of the loop on that one.
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