Friday, January 1, 2010

Our Year In Review

2009 came and went and so many wonderful things happened.  After quite a few years of dealing with a trying family illness involving my brother Judd, we felt like we could finally breathe a sign of relief for the first time in 10 years as God graciously answered our prayers and we got the report from the neurologist that we only dared hope for:  Judd's scans are clear and Dr. Gomez has no way of explaining why it looks so great, but it does!  Hmmm...perhaps it's a little thing called a miralcle.   Thank you, Lord.

We also watched in awe as our little baby grew up before our very eyes and became a little man!  I know there's no way to show everything we did in 2009, but I thought I would pick just a few pictures from each month. 

This post is mainly for me and maybe the grandparents.  It's very long and full of pictures, but I need a way to document our year!  God has blessed us and we are so grateful for it all.  Happy New Year!


We had a crazy ice storm and took JM to the Aquarium to see all kinds of fish and then got lost on the Turnpike on the way back home!


We didn't do too much this month; mainly stayed inside and played while we eagerly awaited Spring!  We also did Gymboree Music during the Winter!


JM learned to clap on the day he turned 10 months old.  We were at home in AL and I got to visit my Alpha Gamma Delta Big Sis in Tuscaloosa and JM got to visit with both of my grandparents while we were in Tuscaloosa!  How we miss that place.


JM celebrated his first Easter, went to an Easter Egg Hunt with our Sunday School class, started standing a lot on his own, and got his Easter pictures taken with a real bunny!  Also, we were surprised to find out that we were expecting...and we kept it a secret for 10 weeks!


May was a very busy month for us, probably the busiest of the whole year!  All of our family came up to celebrate JM's first birthday.  We celebrated 3 birthdays while they were here and then let them all in on our little secret about baby #2!  Everyone was SO shocked and excited!  Over the period of one weekend we celebrated JM's first birthday with a jungle-themed party for family, had baby dedication at our church, and then flew to Orlando to celebrate JM's first birthday at Disney World (just like his dada!) with Gaga and Gamps!  I cannot even tell you what a good time we had.  I love Disney World and we can't wait to go back!


In June, JM learned to walk on his own and he was so proud and we were too!  We also started heading to our neighborhood pool on most days and playing outside with our little red car.  Our backyard was a big source of enjoyment for us all through the spring and summer.


In July we took a trip back home to AL to celebrate the 4th with family and I stayed behind with JM so that we could get a good visit in with all of our family.  We swam at Gaga's house, visited all sides of the family, and even squeezed in a trip to Tuscaloosa.  We also had our ultrasound and got to see our precious baby hanging out and kicking around!  We didn't end up finding out the sex and it was so fun not to know!


We must not have done much in August because I don't have any interesting pictures!  JM moved up to the big kid Sunday School class from the nursery and we started cleaning out the office to make way for the nursery...which still isn't 100% done!


Football season is here and we are happy!  Roll Tide!  Baby Matthew was growing and getting bigger inside and John Michael's curls were really started to get curly and long!


We went to a pumpkin patch and picked out some pumpkins with Gaga, carved a Mickey Mouse pumpkin and dressed up as a cute teddy bear for the worst Halloween ever (JM did NOT enjoy the church carnival and it was just bad all around).


November was exciting and exhausting for me being so big and pregnant.  We got a few Christmas decorations up, took JM to Chuck E. Cheese for a last hoorah before the baby came and took him to get his first big haircut.  God blessed us with Matthew James, born on November 24th at 6:31 pm weighing in at 10 pounds 14 ounces and 22 inches long.  We came home Thanksgiving night.  He is a wonderful blessing and a perfect addition to our family.  He is so sweet and quiet and I could just eat him up he's so big and cute!  JM became a big brother this month!


This month we were tired from having a newborn, even though he's good and a great sleeper, we're still tired.  I am learning to adjust to having two little ones!  I celebrated my birthday with a night out with Jordan and Matthew tagged along.  We had family up and celebrated Christmas with each of them while they were here.  On Christmas Day it snowed and it was our first White Christmas ever!

Whew!  What a year!  I wonder what's in store for us for 2010....


Jane (Grams, GaGa) said...

This has been a year filled with many milestones. God has really blessed us this past year and it is very evident by looking at your year in review! The joy that John Michael and Matthew have brought into our lives is indescribable. It is hard living so far away, but you do a great job with your blog, making us feel that y'all are a part of our daily lives. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into it. We look forward to 2010 and all it brings! Give the boys a kiss for us.

Ivy said...

Such good memories!

Deedra said...

Hi Mary! What a wonderful and exciting year you guys had! I saw Shannon, Sandra, Aunt Faye, and your Grandmother over Christmas and they told me that your baby was just a couple of weeks younger than our new addition (born Nov 8)! Congratulations to you and your family on your sweet baby boy!!

I hope you all have a wonderful new year!!

Deedra (from Alabama)

Sloan said...

Soooo, I'm a lurker who came over from Kelly's blog. I love seeing pics of your son's curls! My little brother had curls like that when he was a baby. BUT, I had to come out of lurkdom when I saw that you were an Alpha Gam! I was an Alpha Gam at Georgia, I just graduated this past December! Anyway, I know this is super random, but I just wanted to say hello and marvel at how small the internet makes the world!