Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lazy, Lazy

*Thanks to everyone for your sweet comments from my last post.  It's food for thought.  Great suggestions!

Well, we are in for the duration!  We've got a mountain of groceries, picked up meds for both babies, took Matthew to the doctor for his cough, and got some more dog food for Jack!  We are just waiting on the freezing rain, sleet, and then snow to get here.  Old Man Winter, bring it on!  I keep wondering how bad it will be.

Exactly one year ago we had a pretty bad ice storm.  I took some really awesome pictures.  We had never been in ice that was that thick before!  Click here to check it out from last year!

Last week we had a huge pile of medicine, hand sanitizer, and tissues in our kitchen!

I decided to perk up our kitchen a bit and so I bought some beautiful purple tulips.  They are still around, although it's probably time to throw them out!  It only took Jordan 3 whole days to notice we had a big bouquet of flowers in our kitchen and a few in a vase in the bedroom!

Unfortunately, Jordan taught John Michael how to play Wii and he just loooves it.  We let him play Wii baseball (or ah-ball as he calls it) and he is actually really good.  For 20 months old I think he does quite well at throwing the ball and he tries pretty hard to hit it.  Of course, we think he's the smartest kid on the block!

It was cute until he decided that he would rather sit and play the Wii.  Talk about lazy!  I guess he figures what's the point in standing?!  It's kind of like the way he won't sort shapes in his shape sorter bucket since he learned he can just open the top and put them in.  He's no dummy!

Matthew just hung out in his swing while John Micahel played.

Swing it!

I hope our ice storm is not too bad.  As long as we don't lose power we'll be just fine!  I keep hoping our good friend down the road doesn't go into labor.  I hope that baby stays put until next week.  I would be freaking out right now if I was due with all this ice and snow coming our way!  Have a happy rest of the week!

Verse O the Day:

For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

Philippians 2:13


Vonda said...

I need those tulips to cheer up such a gloomy day. It is hard to get motivated when the weather is yucky. I have lots to work on, but we will have to see how much actually happens.

Jessica said...

Thanks for that.... you know I'm freaking out. Especially if the ice starts knocking the power out and Wayman abandons me and Braxton. I'm trying to apply my bible study and be Frearless but it's not working!