Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving and Waiting

 1 Thesselonians 5:18

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

What a wonderful verse for us to be reminded of today!  Give thanks in everything...not when things are only going great but sometimes when they're not so great too.  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  Although we are a little sad that we are still in the hospital (especially on Thanksgiving) we are so happy, thankful, and blessed that Baby Matthew's problems are not too big of a deal. 

So, for now we are waiting around to see what the next blood draw will be.

Because Matthew was such a big baby, he has had a hard time regulating his blood sugars.  Today has been much better, but we've got one really big, hungry baby on our hands...and as you moms know, my milk is not entirely in yet so it's posing some problems for him as we try to get him full, keep his sugars at a good level, and keep him happy.  We're supposed to have one more blood sugar reading this afternoon before we decide if we're to stay another night or if we will go home. 

We have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  A healthy, happy baby is just on the top of our list!  We have been blessed beyond belief.  Here are just a few random pictures from the last few days!

This is what an 11 pound baby looks like on the outside!

Here's the new big brother!

We were so glad John Michael visited us last night.  We miss him so much, but he's being smothered with love from our family!

Here's everybody looking through the windows while Matthew got his assessment and got weighed!

Grams and Matthew

Papa and Matthew

Uncle Ray holding Matthew for the first time!

Uncle Judd holding Matthew

Meme holding Matthew

Looking extra dapper this morning!

Mr. Serious

Proud Dada and Matthew

None of our newborn outfits fit except this one because it can be made into a gown!



Kelly said...

He is so precious and SO big!!! I'm sorry you are spending thanksgiving in the hospital but I'm sure it's a thanksgiving you will never forget!!! I hope he gets to go home soon!
We bought Harper all of these newborn outfits and diapers and had to take them all back. She was WAY too big for any of them. :-) ha! I love big babies!