On a side-note, I am staying in bed for the afternoon and taking it easy while I have help here. I don't feel sick, but I'm just starting to feel run down. I'm trying so hard to get everything baby-related done so that I can take it easy (Dr's orders) after the beginning of November...which is now!
Halloween day started out OK. We put off carving our pumpking until Saturday morning. We decided upon Mickey Mouse...because we have a one year old, of course! Jordan mainly worked on it and I helped a little! John Michael played outside with us while we carved. The day was so warm and beautiful!
Mickey Mouse is all ready to go for Halloween!
John Michael took a nap and Mom and I headed out to do some last minute baby shopping. We got a VERY late start on our day, so we didn't get to do as much shopping as I had hoped. That also meant we were a little late getting home to go head downtown to the square for Halloween night! A rushed Halloween night is never a good sign!
Things started out all right...we got JM into his teddy bear outfit and he was doing all right by this point.
Mama with our teddy bear!
Here's JM and his best bud, Braxton! Braxton is the cutest train conductor I know!
As we headed to the square JM started melting down. It could be due to the fact that he had not had dinner, you know, due to our very rushed day! Actually, none of us had eaten dinner at this point. JM was giving off some major attitude! Here he is with Uncle Judd, Uncle Ray, and Meme.
We fed him and attempted to do a few of the activities on the square! This picture pretty much says it all.
Next, we tried to do the duck pond and he fell in, but it was only up to his elbow. Still, he was MAD!
Somehow a dum-dum sucker made everything all better!
He held onto that dum-dum for the rest of the night!
With the way he was acting, I'm still shocked he posed for this picture!
Here's all 3 of us!
So, at the very least, at least he looked like a precious little teddy bear! Even with his lack of sleep, which lead to a not-so-fun night, he still looks so darn cute. I sure hope he had a fun Halloween!
Now, all we have to do is work on his new night-time routine which is suddently consisting of lots of screaming and refusing to let us put him down. Perhaps he feels a change in the air with the nursery all set up now? Anyone have any ideas?!
I hope everyone had a great Halloween! Do your holidays go as planned or is something always derailed? As Jordan and I sat on the couch last night listening to John Michael scream and NOT go to sleep we said, "There's always next year!"
Hi! I came over from Kellys Korner- i commented once before
John Michael is just to cute as a bear, and trust me the halloweens DO get better! my son is 2.5 now and had a blast last night-- with the sleeping thing, i would say it is just a phase..it could be because of the new baby but i'm not sure considering he is still so young, my son will be three when baby number 2 gets here and he really still does not get the whole baby thing!-- my son STILL goes through nights like that sometimes (in fact he is going through it right now) Hope he starts sleeping better for you!
Even though JM had a little melt down, at least we got to get out with him and go have some family time. Keep up the great work on the blog, baby. I enjoy these posts to help start out my week on a good note! Love you!
Sorry you guys had such a rough Halloween. You got some cute pictures though! It made Braxton's day to get to see JM.
I don't know what to tell you about the sleeping thing either.... Braxton is finally back to napping again consistently after the 2 week lapse of naps. He still cries when I lay him down for a nap but he gets over it. Hopefully it is just a phase like it was for us. Hang in there... I know it's exhausting and frustrating.
JM looked so precious in his teddy bear costume. I'm sorry that he had a meltdown, but I'm sure that it was still fun getting out with Jordan, your family and friends. Braxton looked very cute dressed up like a conductor. He is such a sweet litttle boy. Y'all did a great job carving the Mickey Mouse pumpkin!! And I'm sure the sleeping issues will reslove themselves soon. You will find that your children will try your patience for years to come....haha. Miss y'all and can't wait to be there!! Let us know if you need us and try to rest as much as you can..
So it wasn't the Halloween you had planned....you were still having some memorable family time, and that's what is most important!! And WOW...y'all did a great job on your pumpkin, love the pics!
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