Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby's Got A Brand New 'Do!

So John Michael finally got his first official "big boy" haircut.  I'm too hormonal right now to get the big haircut that chops off all those curls, so we went in for a mini trim!  He did GREAT!  As long as he had his sucker he was fine!

He shocked us by sitting in his own booster seat nearly the whole time.  There was a lot of hair on the floor for an 18 month old.  The great part is that there are still curls on his little head, so I was super happy!

It looks like he's thoughtfully considering his sucker!

Half the time he kept looking like "Why did you bring me to this girly place?!" 

A work in progress!

The new and improved John Michael!

On with baby news:  It looks like I might be on my way for an induction next week if nothing happens between now and then.  We shall see.  I'm not super-thrilled about it, but it might save me from delivering a "very large" baby.  Yikes!

Verse O' the Day:

For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?...And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?

Matthew 6:25, 6:27


Kelly said...

Take it from me - you do NOT want to deliver a 10 lb baby if you can help it! ha! I thought I would never be the same again.
Induction was the best and easiest way ever to deliver. It will be SO much better than your last experience and the best news is - you can get that epidural going as soon as you check in and NEVER feel a thing and you will really enjoy your day!!!! :-)
Praying for you!

Ansley said...

Hi! I found your blog through Kelly's Korner and have loved reading it. John Michael is precious and I know you are excited about your new little one....I love that you are waiting to find out the gender - so fun :)
The verse of the day is beautiful and really spoke to me this morning. God bless!!

mrs shortcake said...

Isn't he the sweetest?! I love his curls! My cousin had blonde curls like that, and his mother couldn't bring herself to cut his hair - so he looked like Goldilocks which blonde curls tumbling down his back! :)