Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving and Waiting

 1 Thesselonians 5:18

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

What a wonderful verse for us to be reminded of today!  Give thanks in everything...not when things are only going great but sometimes when they're not so great too.  Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  Although we are a little sad that we are still in the hospital (especially on Thanksgiving) we are so happy, thankful, and blessed that Baby Matthew's problems are not too big of a deal. 

So, for now we are waiting around to see what the next blood draw will be.

Because Matthew was such a big baby, he has had a hard time regulating his blood sugars.  Today has been much better, but we've got one really big, hungry baby on our hands...and as you moms know, my milk is not entirely in yet so it's posing some problems for him as we try to get him full, keep his sugars at a good level, and keep him happy.  We're supposed to have one more blood sugar reading this afternoon before we decide if we're to stay another night or if we will go home. 

We have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  A healthy, happy baby is just on the top of our list!  We have been blessed beyond belief.  Here are just a few random pictures from the last few days!

This is what an 11 pound baby looks like on the outside!

Here's the new big brother!

We were so glad John Michael visited us last night.  We miss him so much, but he's being smothered with love from our family!

Here's everybody looking through the windows while Matthew got his assessment and got weighed!

Grams and Matthew

Papa and Matthew

Uncle Ray holding Matthew for the first time!

Uncle Judd holding Matthew

Meme holding Matthew

Looking extra dapper this morning!

Mr. Serious

Proud Dada and Matthew

None of our newborn outfits fit except this one because it can be made into a gown!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Introducing... Matthew James Wigley!!!

We didn't have a lot of time tonight to write a blog post, but at least wanted to share a few photos with everyone before we go down.  Mary and Matthew are doing good, and we're about to get some much needed sleep... especially for Mary.  She did a great job today, and could not have been any stronger of a woman... she's simply amazing!!!

My mother, as well as Mary's mother and father, were able to come meet Matthew for at least a little bit... and Uncle Judd was able to visit him through the nursery window!  Also, John Michael was able to meet his new little brother.  He was definitely intrigued and wanted to touch the baby.  I know they'll be best buds!  Anyhow, time for some sleep.  Enjoy the photos... and hope to have more up tomorrow!

-- Jordan

Matthew enjoying his first moments outside the womb

Can you believe we had an almost 11 POUND BABY?!?!?!

Absolutely beautiful Mom with her newborn son!!

Will You?

UPDATE 9:00pm:

Just a quick update.  We will be posing pictures later tonight, but I thought I'd go ahead and post some stats!

IT'S A .......................


And Heaven help me he weighs almost 11 pounds...yes, you heard me...11 pounds.  He is 10 pounds 14 ounces and 22 1/4 inches long.  Wow.

I'm super tired, exhausted, and hurting.  I pray the next few days of healing go well!  I'm so scared to get up and move around.

His name is Matthew James and he is very calm and quiet!  Such a difference from our little John Michael!  We'll be posting more later.  Thanks for keeping up with us!



UPDATE 4:15pm:

There's still no baby yet... but the epidural is in!!!!  Praise the Lord!!

I'm resting and sleeping well, and feel really great... we're progressing right along.  I'm sure we'll be checked again in the next hour or so for progress.  Thanks for all the comments and prayers!


We awoke early this morning with butterflies in our stomaches.  We are checked into the hospital, hooked up, and on our way to a hopefully healthy birth of our long-awaited baby boy or girl!  Obviously things are going well because I am on the computer right now!  I'm watching Law & Order: SVU and we're just chilling different this is from last time!

John Michael is happy and playing at home, so I feel better knowing that...even though it was the hardest thing ever putting him down to sleep last time for the last time as an only child.

If you happen by the blog today or you happen to think of us today, WILL YOU say a little prayer for us?!

WILL YOU pray for a healthy baby, delivery, and that God would surround and protect us today?  We would whole-heartedly appreciate it.  Seeing how things go, we might be able to update some here and there today!

Verse O' the Day:

For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Hebrews 12:11

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Day Out

Last week we had some really icky, dark weather, so when the sun come out on Thursday we headed out to get some sunshine!  John Michael, Grams, and myself went to an outside mall to play in the outdoor playplace!

It was still a little chilly, so John Michael had his little trapper hat on to keep his ears warm!

He loves this little crawl through tent!

Next, we went inside the food court to eat lunch!  John Michael ate some pizza...

and he was in prime position to watch the carousel while he ate!

Of course we let him "drive" the dumptruck and littel trucks at the food court!

Oh, he loves to drive! 

JM and very pregnant Mama!

Then, JM and Grams decided to ride the carousel.  We tried the horse and it did not go well...

So they decided to just ride on the carousel instead!  They had a good time and we got some smiles!

Our family is all in town now and we are doing our last loads of baby laundry and setting up our pack'n play and all the rest of the little things to get done before baby comes!  This is going to be an exciting week for everyone!

Verse O' the Day:

Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for You are my praise.

Jeremiah 17:14

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby's Got A Brand New 'Do!

So John Michael finally got his first official "big boy" haircut.  I'm too hormonal right now to get the big haircut that chops off all those curls, so we went in for a mini trim!  He did GREAT!  As long as he had his sucker he was fine!

He shocked us by sitting in his own booster seat nearly the whole time.  There was a lot of hair on the floor for an 18 month old.  The great part is that there are still curls on his little head, so I was super happy!

It looks like he's thoughtfully considering his sucker!

Half the time he kept looking like "Why did you bring me to this girly place?!" 

A work in progress!

The new and improved John Michael!

On with baby news:  It looks like I might be on my way for an induction next week if nothing happens between now and then.  We shall see.  I'm not super-thrilled about it, but it might save me from delivering a "very large" baby.  Yikes!

Verse O' the Day:

For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?...And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?

Matthew 6:25, 6:27

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lazy Saturday

I am so tired this morning I can hardly stand it.  Luckily, JM has his Gran and Gamps here to play with him so I don't feel like too terrible of a mom today.  I slept really well from about 6:30 am to 7:45am, at which time when I went to get out of bed I had a terrible calf cramp that sent me back to bed for another hour.  Yawn!

I am so uncomfortable and I am ready.  I'm not sure we'll ever be 100% ready for this baby to come, but if I didn't have to give birth, it would be great!  Ready or not, this baby will (eventually) come!

Enough about me!  These pictures from last weekend crack me up!  We found John Michael all sprawled out in his bean bag chair.  As you can see, he looks pretty darn happy and content watching cartoons!

 And just so you don't think we were too lazy all day...we also played outside in the sunshine later in the day!

JM loves to help Jordan throw the ball for Jack. 

Fun Times!

I'm happy to report that we had a successful haircut today!  I didn't cry and John Michael still has curls!  I'll post pictures tomorrow!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Initiation

I knew it was bound to happen....

Every parent has this first time that they must do this for their initiation into the club of annoying kid places that you have to go to!

What am I talking about?  It's Chuck E. Cheese!!!  It was interesting, to say the least.  It crossed my mind that it might be fun to take John Michael to Chuck E. Cheese while he's an only child.  There's very little time left, so we packed up on Friday night and went!

Sensory overload is the phrase that comes to mind.  I was surprised at how big it was.  There were SO many games and there were SO many people there!  We played games, ate pizza, and played some more games.  It was an expensive night out, but it was worth it.  We all had a good time!

Because we took so many pictures I decided to make a slide show so that the fam could see what all John Michael played with.  I realize you will not want to watch this if JM is not your grandchild, so Mom and Dad, enjoy!  We made this for you!

Also, Uncle Judd, JM was supposed to get a haircut today but we couldn't make it because JM was so tired that there was no way he was going to make it to that, he WILL be getting a haircut on Tuesday.  I know it will make your week, but don't get your hopes up because I'm only get a VERY, VERY minuscule amount cut off!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Fall







Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Whole Year and a Half!

We semi-celebrated John Michael's 18 month birthday on Sunday.  We don't celebrate every month, but this was a kind of big one!  We are half-way on our way to being two years old.  How does time go by so quickly?  I don't think I'll ever figure that one out.

We let John Michael eat a cupcake and he was so darn happy.  These next few pictures say it all!

That's Papa on the phone helping us sing Happy 1/2 Birthday to John Michael!


Oh, we have no doubt he is a member of our family!

Then, he started to get a little upset.  He broke out the sign language, trying to frantically sign "MORE!"

That stinker wanted MY cupcake!

Verse O' the Day:

Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

Nehemiah 8:10