I'm a people-watcher. I love to just sit around and watch what people do and how they interact. Being in the throngs of people at Disney World was pretty interesting for me because of all the different people from around the world that come. I observed a few things during the week and here's my list!
-My favorite quote all week that I heard from a lovely grandma: "I'm gunna tie yer a@# in this stroller." The saddest part about it was that not a single soul in the family did a double take or even turned around at such a comment. Reeeal nice.
-People from Brooklyn generally like to wear shirts that say "Brooklyn". Just an interesting observation as I saw it over and over again. And (I hope I won't get anybody mad at me over this one) it was generally very easy to pick them out anyway because of their accents and the fact that they were SO LOUD.
-We would have been crazy to NOT bring our own stroller. With all our luggage/diaper bag/carry-ons it would have been impossible to hold John Michael all the way through the airport. We almost just rented one when we got there and I've never been so glad in a decision! Bring your own.
-It was nice to get compliments on John Michael's behavior. He was so good and happy and had like two meltdowns the whole time. He enjoyed the rides (even the scary ones) and wasn't scared at all!
-People bring really, really tiny babies to Disney World. Nothing wrong with that, I just can't imagine having one or more kids and juggling a tiny baby in the heat. More power to 'em.
-I have never in my life seen so many makes and models of double strollers. It was like shopping for me because we'll be in the market for one of these quite soon! I never knew there were so many different kinds.
-The Disney workers WILL move your stroller to any area of their choosing and you'll just have to hunt for it. They'll even rearrange it if the "handles weren't facing the right direction". Hmm.
-I didn't count on how much water JM would drink while at the park. It was hot and he was a thirsty little fella. All that water amounted to lots of wet diapers. Jordan and I both got soaked through from an overflowing diaper! We even went through our emergency outfits in the diaper bag. Bring lots of diapers!
-One last thing, I really liked the baby centers at each park. They had changing tables, high chairs, and a nursing room. They also had toys and places to fix bottles and warm up food. Such a great idea!
Verse O' the Day:
You may say in your heart, “My power and the strength of my hand made me this wealth.” But you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth.
Deuteronomy 8:17-18
Home Style Saturday 442
16 hours ago
good information that I'll have to remember for next summer!
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