Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Growing Boy and a Recipe

"Since I've turned one I've been doing pretty big things lately!  Mama and Dada are so amazed by me everyday.  They say I am the smartest and cutest baby in the whole world.  I think they might be just a little biased.

First off, I wowed everybody by picking up a cd, opening up the cd player, putting the cd in, closing the lid, and pushing play.  Whoah!  That's a pretty big deal apparently!  Who knew I could do such smart stuff?!  I can also turn the volume up or down on command!

Second, I am now a forward-facing boy!  My car seat got turned around and I can see so much stuff now and feel the air vent!  Here I am on my first ride.

I also got my first lollipop at the doctor's office after I got my shots.  I loved it!  It tasted so good and Mama let me finish in the car before she put me in my carseat. I still weigh about the same as I have the last few months and I've only grown about 2 inches or so.  Mama said we're not worried yet because I am a big, strong boy!

One more thing, I am now drinking milk out of a big boy cup!  I liked it from the first taste and I said mmmmm!  Here I am with my first milk mustache.

Now Mama wants to share a recipe that she found.  I even got to eat some of it since I'm starting to eat table food now!  Yum!"

Easy Chicken Cacciatore

1 tsp olive oil

1 lb chicken breasts (I used the tenderloins)

1 large green bell pepper cut into strips

15 oz. marinara sauce

1/2 cup water

2 cups hot cooked rice

Heat oil in skillet over med-high.  Add chicken and bell pepper, stir frequently about 5 minutes.  Add sauce and water to skillet, bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to low; cover.  Cook for 5 minutes.  I served it over the rice.  Serves 4.

This was super easy and fast and honestly, it was a miracle that I even made dinner because I still feel sick at night.  I'm so proud of myself for cooking chicken and not wanting to vomit!  Yay!


Jane (Gran/Grams) said...

He is such a big boy now!!! I was really amazed the night he put the CD in, especially since you don't change it very often. smart. I think he will be like his Dada in wondering how things work. Jackson is rocking with me in the recliner as I type this. He is being such a good doggie. He is looking forward to seeing you Tuesday. Recipe sounds delish..will try it soon.