First we have to learn how to eat like a big boy! We eat big boy breakfast and whole milk!
After breakfast and playing John Michael goes down at 10 and (Thank you Jesus) he naps for anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours! This is awesome considering he never slept and only took like maybe two 30 minute naps for so long. NOT fun.
Friday afternoon Jessica walked over with their cute red wagon and she hauled the boys to our neighborhood playground. Braxton didn't mind sharing his wagon and he kept handing John Michael his sippy cup!
They had so much fun and Jessica even took John Michael down the big slide! Mainly JM wanted to play with the wagon and the wheels.
After the park JM was pooped so he went down for another nap for about 2 hours at around 3. Once again, I'm so happy he sleeps now because I am so sleepy during this first trimester. I'm constantly wanting to sleep and nap. I'm ready for the fun second trimester of more energy and no more food aversion. Almost there!
Saturdays are extra fun because Daddy is home and we get to play, play, play and make pancakes!
[caption id="attachment_925" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="We miss our dog. He'll be coming back from Alabama on Tuesday!"]
We are excited about Memorial Day because Jordan will be off of work. We've got some things to do around the house and yard. I hope everyone has a happy Memorial Day!
Verse O' the Day:
If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.
Psalm 139:9-10
Love the pictures and update on things JM does. I am so thankful too that you can be home with him. I wouldn't take anything for the years I spent with you 3!!! It is a sacrifice, but one day, you will look back and say, gee, it wasn't hard - we made it better then than later with 2 good paying jobs. God provides a way.
Hope you got some rest today, and that your tiredness and nausea will soon subside. It is not fun with another small one to look after.
Jack has had fun in Alabama, and we have all enjoyed him. But I know he will be glad to be back home, and I know that especially JM will be glad to have his playmate home!
Hope y'all's day was good today. You have a GREAT life - do not take it for granted (I know you don't).
Love to you all!
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