Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Little Boy Blue

I decided to put up a teeny Christmas tree in John Michael's room.  I hung ornaments that were shades of blue, baby's first Christmas, Alabama-themed, and special items from the past few months.  It ends up we have tons of "first" Christmas ornaments and I made an ornament out of his picture with his first visit to santa!

Now, I'm not saying this is the prettiest tree, but it has a lot of memories hung on it.  It kind of looks all jumbled.  The tree is topped with the little blue cap that the nurses put on JM when they brought him back to me after his newborn assessment in the nursery.  I also hung his little white shoes that he wore home from the hospital.  The yellow ribbon at the top of the tree is his measuring tape that the nurses measured him with afer he was born.  I figure each year we could hang special things from throughout the year on his very own tree!

JM likes his tree!
JM likes his tree!

I was going to buy some cute blue fabric to make a little tree skirt out of, but I ended up using a blue receving blanket instead.  I put the only 3 blue stuffed animals that we own under the tree to fill up the space!

Verse O' the Day:

“Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.”

Psalm 91:14-15


Judd said...

Good job with the tree sis! Might as well do something with that blue cap because there is NO way its fitting on JM's melon head. lol

Dana/"Meme" said...

Love the tree! It is sooo you and perfect for JM's room!
He looks so adorable sitting up beside his first Christmas tree.
Love, Mom

Dove said...

What a darling idea! Your sweet tree is very festive, and what a treasury of special memories. Very fun!

Kacy Murray said...

Great idea!

Jane (Gran/Grams) said...

The tree is soooo cute!! It almost made me cry to see the little blue cap on top of the tree. It's soooo small! Time has gone by so quickly and JM is growing up way too fast!!!

Lindsey said...

You are such a thoughtful mommy :) JM is adorable and so is his little Christmas tree!

Kelly said...

So cute and such a sweet idea!!!!

Jordan Wigley said...

Great pictures baby! I've seen the tree every night lately, but hadn't seen these pictures yet. And I agree with all the other readers, you did a great job on our son's tree! You're such a great wife and mother. Keep up the great work on the blog too!

Love you,

Julie said...

Very very cute. Love the hat on top!!