I need to come home because:
1. My mother-in-law made Cinnabon cinnamon rolls WITH REAL CREAM CHEESE icing and I've had too many, but I can't stay away!
2. I can't watch another episode of NCIS or House. Yes, Mom, I know y'all love it, but they are two of the worst written TV shows on right now. Don't even get me started on how unrealistic House is with their medical stuff...yeah, I've seen TONS of doctors stay at bedsides and push IV meds. Yeah, right.
3. I have to stop eating homemade sausage/gravy/biscuits/bacon/pancakes/cookies...you get the idea. Weight Watchers here I come, again.
4. My bebe needs his own bed. As do we.
5. I miss my church.
6. We have so much stuff everywhere and piles and piles of Christmas gifts that are still laying around i.e. everything is clutthered and we are living out of piles. Sorry Mom and Jane that all of our Christmas stuff is still sitting around your houses.
7. Hopefully, if we are back in AR that means that everyone is well and not sick!!!
Nah, I kid. Compared to Christmases before, we are all blessed with good health. These are things that we can heal from. Jordan is progressing but still in bed and he has to go back to the doctor AGAIN tomorrow for one last shot. JM is happy, funny, trying to crawl, and still is fairly sick/wheezy. I swear he's gonna up and crawl before we make it back home to Arkansas. This is not optimal, as I need lots of time to child-proof the house, clean our floors, and put up a safety thingy around the fireplace before he crawls.
I just thought this picture was funny. Jackson always loves getting Christmas presents! I have nothing else new to post. To all a good night!
Verse O' the Day: Funny that this is the verse today. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this passage because I am a worrier. I was just thinking about this passage today, for some reason. What a coincidence!
For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?...And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?
Matthew 6:25, 6:27
Let’s Go Antiquing!
5 hours ago
You are funny! I know you love being home in AL but it feels good to get home to your "Home" too!
Dawson got a stuffed frog for Christmas and he loves it. He also stole one of Harper's toys (already). But it's my fault - I had showed it to him a bunch of times and I think he had been thinking about it for a while before he went and got it. ha!
Oh, I feel so bad for Jordan & JM. It's just no fun to be sick and not be home. Or to live out of a suitcase longer than you planned.
Baby food making is okay - I got a rice steamer & a Magic Bullet for Christmas to make it easier. It is messy, though.
How's it going for you? What all have you made so far?
Don't apologize for having presents, etc scattered around the house. I love it!!! Because it means you are here!! I know that you all are ready for your own house and own bed, but just know how much we love you all and love having you home. It has been such a blessing to hold, play with, and love on John Michael. We especially love our morning time together with him. This house will feel so empty when all the presents, suitcases, and sounds of a baby (and dog) are gone.
I managed to stumble on your blog today and I LOVE this verse... thanks for sharing it!
PS... House is more realistic that you would think. My daughter is 2 years old and has had 15 surgeries in those two years. She has spent literally 1/3 of her life in hospitals and we have a surgeon who has, numerous times, stood by her bedside held o2 canulas when she refused to keep them on, and pushed meds. He stood there for more than three hours one time when she was just out of surgery and in pain... pushing med after med. Luckily our Dr. Joe has a little better personality than House!!! Hopefully it will help you like the endless hours of re-runs a little more! LOL
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