Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Rainy, wet, warm, humid, thunder, lightning...this describes our weather here in Alabama for Christmas Eve.  Yuck.  John Michael has been FUSSY today.  He hardly slept last night (i.e. I was up ALL night nursing) I was so tired and exhausted after being up most of the night with an unhappy baby.  Luckily, Jordan took him this morning and I fell asleep for another two hours.  It wasn't enough.  I have been trying to bake, wrap, and keep a fussy baby happy.  Not a very fun Christmas Eve.  It has gotten a little better after he took a 4 hour nap.  I sure hope JM is not going to have a cold for Christmas day!  He was so fussy today.  We have officially packed up and made it over to Jordan's mom's house for Christmas.  We were over at my parent's house first, now we're over here for the rest of the week!

This Christmas I keep thinking about Mary and what she must have gone through.  Having been through a pregnancy and then a (nearly) natural birth myself, I can't imagine what she went through.  It's hard to imagine being on a donkey 9 months pregnant and then giving birth in a stable full of animals.  How painful, how wonderful, how splendid was that birth.  We are so blessed that God sent his only son to be born from a virgin.  To be born to save the world. What a blessing.  Merry Christmas everyone!  Have a wonderful day tomorrow!


P.S.  John Michael officially has his first ear infection :(  AND a cold to go along with it.  We did NOT have a good Christmas night and we're tired (again!)  I frantically called our old Pediatrician's office today and we got squeezed in!  It looks like we won't be leaving when we thought.  I hope he gets well soon!


Kelly said...

Oh - sorry about the ear infection. You can talk to Laurie about those - her girls have had a ton. So not fun! Have a safe travel back!