Thursday, December 18, 2008

Double Trouble

No, I'm not sharing my food with you; we'll get in trouble
No, I'm not sharing my food with you; we'll get in trouble

I said no!
I said no!


Here you go!
Here you go!

Am I a bad mom for not stopping this??!!  Oh, I eventually did, but it was kinda too cute to pass up the photo op!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

As you can tell by the above picture, we are dealing with some pretty bad skin issues.  I knew that any child of Jordan's would have sensitive skin, and JM does.  We've been to the doctor and we're going to try 2 prescription creams and aquaphor.  I surely hope that this helps because it just looks SO bad on his cheeks.  It looks like he has burns on one side of his face.  I know it's the cold weather and cold wind up here.  I hope the creams work!  I don't want his skin to be bright red and possibly hurt!  The doctor doesn't think it's food-related, just eczema and cold weather.  Any suggestions or tips??????

Verse O' the Day:

You may say in your heart, “My power and the strength of my hand made me this wealth.” But you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth.

Deuteronomy 8:17-18  --------Something to think about in relation to tithing?


Kelly said...

Oh Dawson is DREAMING of those days to come! One more person in the house to feed him! :-) So cute!
Poor JM - I'm sorry about his skin - I hope the cream helps.

laurie said...

SK has red cheek issues a little bit.

Jessica Thurman said...

That is too funny!

Jane (Grams/Gran) said...

Jack is such a little beggar!!!! And I thought that Nat was the only one who sneaks him food. haha The pictures were too cute though. Just wait till JM starts throwing Cheerios!! At least with Jack around, you don't need to vaccuum!
Hopefully the new creams will clear up the skin issues.

Kacy said...

Jack knows good food when he sees it! That is too cute. JM should get a gold star for sharing.

Julie said...

I am cracking up at the first picture--what an ornery little fellow!! Those two are going to be trouble in a few short months!!

Joan said...

poor JM!!!

Carolyn Tomik said...

I love all these good! Carolyn