Last week for playgroup we met up at a local pumpkin patch. It's very close to our neighborhood so it didn't take us but a quick second to get there. John Michael was, of course, very interested in everything that was going on. I picked him a cute tiny pumpkin for his first pumpkin patch experience!
[caption id="attachment_7" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Here's John Michael looking extra-excited about his pumpkin find!"]
[caption id="attachment_8" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Yay for pumpkins!"]
[caption id="attachment_9" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Neely and John Michael"]
[caption id="attachment_10" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="What a cute pumpkin!"]
Keep checking our blog and hopefully I will get the hang of posting pictures daily!
Mary A
I LOVE your blog!!!! It is so you. And of course John Michael is still the cutest baby in the world. I look forward to checking the blog everyday to see what my sweet grandbaby is doing. I can't wait to see y'all this weekend. Once again, congratulations on a top-notch blog. Tell my son that he did a good job setting it up Give John Michael a good-morning kiss from his Gran/Grams.
What a beautiful little boy. He has really grown. I hope to see him when you are home sometime.
You just can't know how much fun I've just had so early in the morning!!! This walk through the park and all the beautiful pictures of John Michael were such a treat! He is indeed a perfect doll! His mama and daddy are also very beautiful! Thanks, Mary Avery...
I LOVE THE PUMKIN outfit!!! It is soooo cute!! He seems to love it too!! He looks like a "big" bundle of joy!! How precious!
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