John Michael is learning to sit up all on his own! He has almost mastered this skill and he has just learned it over this past week! He was really hamming it up after bathtime on Saturday night!
Sunday we went to church and we had a really nice time visiting with friends. JM had a great time at nursery and he was a really sweet baby! The new pastor was really good. I liked his style and liked what he had to say. He was no Dr. Trader, but that's hard to measure up to. I think it was weird for people from church that have known me all of my life to see me come back home with a baby in tow! I sure do miss that church, but while I've been home I've been missing our new church too!
It seems like just yesterday that Jordan and I were on that same stage saying our vows at our wedding! It was one of the top two days of our lives! How time flies! The rest of the pictures are just pure John Michael fun. We're looking forward to Jordan coming down this weekend. We have missed him and he has missed us! Alabama Homecoming is this weekend so we are SO excited to go down to Tuscaloosa and see how everything has changed, go by the Alpha Gam house and go to the game! Now, I've just got to come up with something cute to wear.
Just found your blog. Cute cute pictures!!!!
Mary Avery - didn't know you had a blog! I'm glad you are having fun in BAMA! :-) I'm cheering for Alabama these days because I want an SEC team in the championship! ROLL TIDE! :-)
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