Oh YES I DID!!! I so did put John Michael into his pumpkin zip up suit to go for a morning walk. It was crisp and breezy this morning and I knew that he needed to be warm, so I just put it on over his footed sleeper. He looked awfully cute in his little pumpkin suit! Thanks mom!
Jack, as usual had a great time on our walk and it made him extra tired!
We just didn't do a lot today. John Michael slept in pretty good, so it threw our day off by an hour or so. We went to the courthouse to register to get an absentee ballot since I'll be gone on election day, and then we went to the library. I put John Michael in his sling and toted him around and got some very strange looks. For some reason, whenever I carry him around in his sling, we get the strangest looks. I guess it's just different and people aren't used to seeing slings as much. I should post a picture of us with my very stylish sling. I got a few books and books on tape for our car ride. I plan on doing some more packing tonight.
And last but not least, Happy Birthday Baby Ian! Check out this CaringBridge site for a family from Alabama that was given the worst diagnosis possible for their precious newborn. Baby Ian (against all odds) celebrated his one year birthday today! Check out their story and read their CaringBridge site for more information. I do not know them personally, but we always check on Baby Ian to see how he's progressing. They are such a witness for God. I do not know if I could have gone through the things that they have and still be praising God. I'm working on that....
Home Style Saturday 442
16 hours ago
I did not know you had started a blog - I will be a faithful reader now! I love the pumpkin suit. How cute!
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