Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Places, New Faces

Well, we've made it back to Alabama!  This has been John Michael's first BIG car trip; all 15 hours of it.  We left around 4 am and as we got into our car, the car wouldn't start.  Nothing.  You'd have to know our family luck with cars and trips to understand why this did not surprise me in the least.  I just sat there in my sleep haze and had to laugh to myself.  Our plan to have John Michael asleep for the first few hours was shot as he sat there wide-eyed as we had to jump off the car.  He fell right back asleep as we hit the road and slept until around 8:45 or so.  We stopped every two hours or so to feed him, change him, and take Jackson to potty.  The first part of the trip went pretty well.  My dad picked us up in Memphis and the last half of the trip was a little more rough, but it still went better than I thought it would. 
Our first stop of the day!
Our first stop of the day!

[caption id="attachment_38" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Our Happy Traveler"]Our Happy Traveler[/caption]

We are missing Jordan on this trip back home, but we are visiting with lots of family members and friends who have not yet met John Michael.  My In-Laws bought a house one street behind my parents, so John Michael and I just pack up the stroller and head on over for a visit with Grams and Gamps in their new home!

[caption id="attachment_39" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Visiting with Great-Aunt Faye!"]Visiting with Great-Aunt Faye![/caption]

I am hoping to have a fun-filled week of visitng some of my favorite shops and my favorite downtown eatery.  SOUTHERN, SOUTHERN, SOUTHERN home cookin' and sweet tea that'll knock your teeth out it's so sweet.  I can't wait.  I'm also excited to shop at a local hometown baby store that has the cutest, sweetest (and expensive) baby clothes and accessories.  I think I see a Christmas outfit in John Michael's future...  Most importantly, I have an appointment with my hair stylist because let's face it, I'm picky and refuse to go to anybody in Arkansas.  Not that there's anything wrong with hairstylists in AR, but I just love the way Melissa does my hair and it's so hard to trust anybody else.  I have found one lady in AR, but whenever I get the chance to come home, I make an appointment at Images right away.  I AM in need of serious hair help.  I'm thinking of going short....thoughts?

Joan lovin' oh her favorite new man, move over Clay!
Joan lovin' oh her favorite new man, move over Clay!

Tomorrow we have a Republican Women's Luncheon and my brother, Judd, is going to speak about the upcoming election.  It should be fun and informative!  More pictures to come later!