Jordan's mom and sister were up for a visit last week so we decided to pack up and drive over to Tulsa for a trip to the zoo! It had been awhile since we'd been (check out picture #2) so I was excited to go. I dressed the boys in animal gear, we drove through McDonald's for some breakfast, and we hit the Cherokee Turnpike and headed to Tulsa, the windiest city I know!
Here we are the last time we were there. I think Matthew was only 4-5 months old.
Look how little Matthew was. He spent most of the day in the Moby wrap. This time around we had a new baby to experience the zoo with.
First things first, we stopped off at the elephant exhibit. I LOVE elephants, and not just because I'm an Alabama fan! I just think they're really neat and interesting. These elephants were getting their morning baths and some treats as well.
I could have stayed there all morning watching them, but the boys were ready to move on.
We saw giraffes, penguins, giant turtles, and many, many more animals.
Note to self: next time I WILL be bringing our lunches. We brought some snacks but I don't want to be buying lunches when there was plenty of beautiful, shaded grassy spots to stretch out on to eat lunch. After lunchtime we let the boys play in the very large playground area. I think they liked this part the best! They played there for a really long time and baby Noah took a nap in the stroller. After playtime at the park it was time for some ice cream and a good potty break. We had a nice break in the shade and then started heading toward the exit to pack up and head home.
One interesting thing that I learned was apparently Noah can use a straw. Who knew?! He stole my cup and promptly started slurping down my Icee!
Look at that look on his face! I can't believe I let him drink some Icee, but it was a fun, hot day and I guess it really didn't hurt anything.
I thought these were some neat pictures of the boys getting up close and personal with the new seal exhibit.
I'm really a kid at heart and I just love to visit zoos and aquariums with the boys. I love seeing the animals up close and mainly I love spending the time with my boys and watching them learn and discover. I was grateful for the help of 2 extra set of hands to help with the boys. Although it was a fun day, it still drove home the fact that I'm not up for doing things like this by myself yet. They're just still so young and it took all of us to push, wrangle, feed, diaper, and contain them. I know things will get easier as each year passes by. These past few months have already been easier than last summer was with a newborn! Slowly and surely we are getting to "easier" (some days, ha!) times! I was so glad to see the zoo through my kids' eyes!
It was a wonderful day for a zoo visit and for spending time with you, Janna, and the boys. It was a perfect day! Everything is more fun when watching through the eyes of a child. We enjoyed every minute of the trip which as always ends way too soon.
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