Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Walk

 I still don't have our camera lens fixed, so I'm taking pictures with an old Kodak.  Hopefully we'll get our lens soon!  I miss taking nice, crisp pictures!

A few weeks ago I picked the boys up from school and headed to a local walking trail.  I loaded everyone up in our triple stroller (that had a nearly flat tire) and headed down the trail.  I knew I'd be exhausted after wrangling all 3 of them and I was right, I was exhausted.  BUT I think we made some fun memories and the boys love "nature walks!"


I figured it up and it's well over 100 pounds that I'm pushing when they're all in this stroller!


We usually walk for a bit and then stop at a little place that has some rocks and things to play with.

The boys found rocks and different leaves and then JM just HAD to go to the bathroom.  I grabbed everyone up and quickly walked over to a little outhouse on the trail.  Needless to say, I was by myself and there was a random guy just "hanging out" there and I was scared to death.  I locked all of us in the bathroom then realized I didn't have anywhere to put Noah so that I could help JM and then I had to go too. I prayed my children didn't catch a random disease from the dirty bathroom floor that they were laying on.  Ick!  I was hoping the random guy wasn't going to kidnap us but alas, we ended up being fine and we finished up our walk.

Everyone had a great time throwing rocks and leaves...stuff little boys love!

After our walk we met Jordan at a new restaurant downtown and ate dinner together.  The boys were super tired by the time we got home that night!  We had a fun (and tiring) afternoon!


Jane Cosby (Gaga) said...

Sounds like a fun day and a good workout! We sure are missing all of you!