Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pinterest Activities!

The boys had a day off of school so we decided to just stick around the house and have some fun.  Noah took a great nap, so the boys and I decided (OK, me really) to do some fun crafts that I found on....Pinterest, what else?!

Matthew was pretty excited to help me!  His favorite phrase lately has been "I won hup Mawma!"  He's a great little helper.

I gave them some things to stir and mix.  We made what amounts to a mixture of playdoh and slime!

We cooked it and let it cool and then we halfed it and added food coloring to it.

The boys stirred in the coloring and then we put it into ziploc bags.

They played with it and squished it around.  I think they liked it and had a good time!  They came back to it a few times and played with it for some mess-free fun!


We played with some stampers and paint and then made fun butterflies out of clothes pins!

Overall, it was a fun afternoon.  I'm not ashamed to admit that Pinterest has helped me find some fun things for the boys to do!


ray maxwell said...

Is this kinda like "your" mudpie of the past ? They would love to get down and dirty with some dirt/mud from the garden i bet. Great post