For Christmas breakfast we had little pigs in a blanket, grits casserole, and sasuage mixed with eggs (the way my Papaw makes them!) I made myself some warm cappuccino and enjoyed the morning. This is all very traditional for me, except we didn't have any breakfast casserole the way Mom always had!
The boys were basically not all that excited to open presents. We have no idea what is wrong with them.
We had to coax them into opening their presents and then they refused to move onto the next toy. We were surprised that some of the more random "smaller" items were the biggest hits for them. For example, this little shape sorter turtle was and still is a big hit with both boys!
Jordan and I were excited to open our main presents from each other!
One of the main things we were excited to get John Michael was a guitar! He loves guitars so much and he has loved this one! He calls it his "gee-tars" So cute! He was really excited to get it!
After opening our gifts for forever, we broke into the boxes that our parents and my grandparents sent. They had some pretty sweet gifts in there as well!
Christmas 2009
Christmas 2010.
I can hardly believe my eyes when I see this picture! How did they get so big in just one year?! I was thinking I was probably more exhausted last year getting up with a newborn so much, but by the looks of it, I would say this year I look WAY more tired. Doing Christmas in your 1st trimester with 2 little kiddos was super hard on me. I will admit it. I am tired.
The rest of the afternoon the boys played with their toys and then we nibbled on a light lunch, and then it was naptime!
We got a great deal on this Lightning McQueen car and John Michael has really enjoyed it...
but Matthew has also enjoyd it. A lot. He is constantly standing up on it with NO hands. I have a feeling he is going to be my daredevil child!
We had to let them watch their new "Cars" DVD while sitting on the Lightning McQueen car!
One funny story from the morning was this crazy Thomas electric toothbrush...
I got it for JM's stocking and I had NO idea that both boys would be totally wild about it! It was the first thing they opened and they were so obsessed with it that they wouldn't open anything else. Both of them carried it around and stuck it in their mouths all morning long. Who knew?!
And they were also completely obsessed with this cute little set of colored kids handbells. They're loud but they love them! They also wouldn't open anything else for awhile because they loved them so much!
We enjoyed our Christmas of just being together and spending the whole day in PJs! It was a fun one!
I'm laughing because Harper was the EXACT same way. She got her first gift and she was done. We couldn't get her to move on or open any other gifts. Both with my family AND with Scott's. And the littlest gift was the thing she loved the most. Not the ones we thought she would be so crazy about.
And she is obsessed with her toothbrush. She runs in her bathroom and gets it out 5 times a day. So crazy!
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