Did I mention it was windy?! Here we are before the parade started.
This was the look on JM's face when he spotted the first police cars and police motorcycles! wow!
There were so many Snoopy and Charlie Brown characters!
JM is really in love with Snoopy (oopy!) and Charlie Brown (Charlie Browm he says!) right now!
JM got a ton of candy and he nibbled on some candy canes!
Within just a little while Matthew was completely out. The high school band stopped and played right in front of us and he still kept sleeping. He was so warm and snuggly! The only problem was that he was about to break my arms off by the end of the parade! He slept through the whole thing!
We watched a bit perplexed as this RV headed our way. We couldn't figure it out at first.....
And then with a huge smile on my face I realized it was A "Christmas Vacation" float!!!! It's one of my favorite Christmas movies and I about died laughing at how awesome Cousin Eddie was with his trapper hat, cigar, and bathrobe! I mean honestly, he looks just like him!
There's the Griswold house with Clark in front! It was too cute!
John Michael really enjoyed seeing the bands, getting candy, and watching all the floats go by! We had a really good time even though it was freezing cold!
And just for fun, Matthew's hair has gotten wild this winter in his car seat. I guess it's the static but he looks like a baby lion with his hair all standing up! What a cutie!
That was a fun Saturday with you and the boys! Wish we had stuff like that going on every weekend. And the Christmas Vacation float was the best float I have ever seen! I still can't believe Cousin Eddie was actually holding the toilet hose...
Hope y'all have a great day today! Love you!
The Christmas Vacation float was from Jeremy's work. They always win like every year I can remember. So glad you all liked it. Jeremy did not help much on it this year as in past years,but he did get to help a little.
I love the way you captured the parade and the look on JM's eyes! It made me feel as if I were there! It was sweet hearing JM tell me about it on the phone...motorkikles...fire truwks...Ha! I laughed till I hurt when seeing the last photo of Matthew and his wild man hair...hahaha. In the picture of Matthew asleep on your shoulder, I think he looks a lot like you. In the last picture....he definately looks a lot like Jordan. Oh how I love both of those boys!!
ditto Jane's comment above!
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