Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Don't Know How She Does It

*I'm so shocked by all the responses from my previous post!  I have hardly had time to go through all of them.  Y'all are so sweet to leave comments.  Now, if I can just get Judd to sit down and read through the comments!  I'm hoping he will this weekend!  It's been so fun looking through some of the links on Kelly's blog.  There seem to be so many great guys and girls and I'm hoping some people can really make some meaningful connections through this!!!

This week has ben interesting and fun!  It was my first year to participate in our church's Vacation Bible School and I was so wowed!  The last time I did VBS I was like 8 and it was in a really small church, so it was nothing like what our church put on!  All the people at our church do such a wonderful job with the children's programs, and VBS was no exception.

I helped with crafts because I needed to be flexible enough to go and feed Matthew mid-morning.  It worked out great and it was pretty fun.  Although, I did remember why I didn't major in elementary education! 

My hat goes off to working moms!  This week has been crazy with me trying to get everybody's things together for the next day.  The night before I would get sippy cups, diapers, outfit changes, etc. gathered up for the next day.  Plus, I was tired from having to get up and actually get out the door pretty early.  This was hard stuff!  I was never really on time any morning and that's pretty typical for me! 

I don't know how working moms keep their houses together and then get home from work and do it all (dinner, baths, homework, things for the next day)!  I know that if I worked our house would be even more messy than it already is most of the time! I seriously need to get organized!  I'm glad VBS was just for one week! 

I didn't take any pictures of the boys in their rooms all week long so today I made sure I got a few quick pictures of them!  Matthew was not so happy in this picture.  This is his "feed me!" face!  His nursery workers were so sweet with them him this week and took such good care of him!

John Michael came into the nursery with me to get Matthew and he made a dash for his favorite toy from when he was little!

John Michael did so great this week!  The first day he cried but everyday after that he literally was running to Ms. Gail to get into his room and play with his friends!  I think he's going to do great at Mother's Day Out this fall. 

Later in the afternoon, after naptime, the boys read some books!

If you notice, John Michael is sitting away from Matthew so he doesn't have to share anything with him!

John Michael helped me stir up the cornbread mixture for dinner.  If he sees me starting to cook he pulls the chair over to the counter so that he can come and help!  It's so darn cute!

I made Mom's cornbread, a few fried squash pieces, beans, and fresh tomatoes for dinner!  It was so yummy and so good!  John Michael actually ate the beans and he even asked for thirds!  We call beans "balls" and he thinks it's so cool to eat a ball!

What a yummy summer dinner!

After dinner we went for ice cream and then to our town's square.  Some Fridays they have "Pickin' on the Square" and yes, it sounds redneck, but it's just some old people getting together to play some music around the fountain on the square!  It's always fun and both boys put their feet in the fountain.  Of course I forgot my camera!  We have a busy weekend ahead.  I love weekends at our house!

Verse O' the Day:  I keep this on my fridge most of the time because I just love what it means to me!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11




Lindy said...

Your boys are so cute! There is nothing better than homemade cornbread and fresh vegetables for supper!

Dana/Meme said...

you and JM did a great job on the cornbread - it looks just right!

Judd said...

I am on it. I am tracking down email addresses and finding blogs with contact info. Waiting on my sweet sister to pass along some information also...